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The SAY Award

Revision as of 14:59, 7 April 2021 by PhasedSpaces (talk | contribs) (Ceremony)
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The Scottish Album of the Year Award, or SAY Award is a yearly prize given to an album produced by Scottish musicians between January and December of the previous year.[1] In 2014, Boards of Canada were nominated for their 2013 release Tomorrow's Harvest. [2] The album made it to the shortlist, thus winning the band a £1,000 prize and an invitation to take part in the awards ceremony where the overall winner would be named.


Although Mike and Marcus were not available to attend the ceremony, they prepared an exclusive thank you video and track for the audience members in attendance. The one minute video, displayed in a hexagon, comprised fast moving images accompanied with a snippet of new arpeggio-styled music.

Someone in the audience managed to capture this moment and uploaded it to YouTube where it got removed hours later. It has since been mirrored on YouTube by PhasedSpaces and for download by thepastinsidepresent from the Twoism forum.

Anecdote, also from the Twoism forum provides us an audio snippet, ripped from the removed YouTube clip. [3]

The message was cut from the internet live stream of the event and the video displayed a "Please Stand By" message. You can see an excerpt of the live show below in the Video section or the full version of the stream at Livestream - the BoC part starts at approximately 1h41min.


  1. http://www.sayaward.com/about/
  2. http://www.sayaward.com/boards-of-canada-tomorrows-harvest/
  3. http://www.twoism.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=235419#235419


The track contains some noise which is not decipherable on the smartphone recording that was taken. It then moves to an arpeggio very much in the style of Tomorrow's Harvest with a palindromic structure. It is very similar to the arpeggio in Gemini in reverse, but not identical (it is in a Dorian mode rather than a minor key.)


  • The first video is a meta video recording of the internet live stream which contains (deliberate?) technical issues.
  • The second video shows what the audience in fact witnessed at the event itself while the audio/video had a cutout in the live stream.
