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| + | "[[The Golden Apples Of The Sun]]" is a 2006 interview (in Japanese) by Kazumichi Sato/Hidetsugu Ito. It originally appeared in the Japanese music magazine Cookie Scene. |
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| + | {{question|ăăźăşăŞăăťăŤăăďźäťĽä¸BOCďźăŽăăĽăźăťă˘ăŤăă ăăśăťăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăăăăă§ă¤ăşăăă¤ăăŤăŞăŞăźăšăăăžăăăăç´ ć´ăăăä˝ĺă ă¨ćăăžăăăžăăŻĺ¤§éćăŞććłăăäźăăăžăăĺä˝ăŤćŻăšăăăćĺłă¨ăŚăăăăă§ăĺăăŚăŽăŞăšăăźăŤăĺ
ĽăŁăŚăăăăă犺éăăăăĺ¤ăăăä˝ĺă ă¨ćăăžăăăăăăŚăăăăžă§ăŽä˝ĺă¨ĺăăăăŤăăžăă§ä¸çˇ¨ăŽć çťă茳ăŚăăăăăŞćčŚăĺłăăăăŽă§ăăăăăŽć çťăŻăăăâä¸čŹç㪠"ä˝ĺă¨ăŞăŁăŚăăăăăŞć°ăăăžăăăăăăă§ăăăďźăăźăŤăšăťă¤ăŞăł}} |
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| + | {{boc|ďźäťĽä¸MAďźďźă¤ăłăšăăĽăŤăĄăłăżăŤăăłăă¨ăăŚăăŹăłăźăăä˝ăă¨ăăŻăă¤ăć
ăć çťăŽăľăŚăłăăăŠăăŻăä˝ăăăăŞă˘ăăăźăă§č¨ăă§ăăă䝼ĺăŽă˘ăŤăă ăăăĽăźă¸ăăŻăăşăśăŠă¤ăăťăăĽăăŤăăŹăłăăŻăĺ¤ăăŽäşşăŤă¨ăŁăŚăĺăăŚäżşéăŽéłćĽ˝ăçĽăŁăă˘ăŤăă ă ăŁăă¨ćăăăăăŻăăăĽăĄăłăżăŞăźăĺĽćŞăŞă˘ăăĄăźăˇă§ăłăŽăăăŽăľăŚăłăăăŠăăŻăŽăăăŞă˘ăŤăă ă ăŁăăĺä˝ăŽăă¸ăŞăŹăăŁăăŻĺšžä˝ĺŚçă§éćććçă§ăăăźăŻăŞä˝é¨ăä˝ă罪桹ăčĄçşă¨ăăŁăăăăŞă¤ăĄăźă¸ăćąăăŞăăĺśä˝ăăăă ăăăăŚăăŽăăśăťăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăăăăă§ă¤ăşăăŤăŞăăă ăăŠăăăăŻăľă¤ăąăăŞăăŻăŞçŠşćłăŽä¸çă§çš°ăĺşăăăăăăźăăťă ăźăăźăŽăăăŽĺąĺ¤ç¨ăŽă˘ăŚăăă˘ăľăŚăłăăăŠăăŻă¨ăăă˘ăăăźăă§ä˝ăŁăăă ăăăăŻăăľăłăăŤăŽç´°ăăăăŁăăźăŤăŤăă ăăăŽă§ăŻăŞăăŚăăăŁă¨ăă¸ăăŁă´ă§ăˇăłăăŤăŞăĄăăăŁéčŚăŽéłćĽ˝ăä˝ăăă¨ăă芌ăżă ăŁăăă ă}} |
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| + | {{question|ăă ăĺä˝ăŽăŞăŞăźăšăă3嚴䝼ä¸ăŽćłćăăăŁăŚăăžăăăăăŽéăăăă¤ăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăŻăźăŻăé¤ăă°ăBOCăŽć
ĺ ąăăăžăäźăăŁăŚăăžăăă§ăăăăăŽ3ĺš´éăăŠăŽăăăŤéăăăăăŽă§ăăďźäžăă°ăŠăăă¸ć
čĄăŞăŠăŤăŻĺşăăăăăăăăžăăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźăă¸ăŞăŹăăŁăăé˛ăçľăăĺžăăăă¤ăĺé˛ăăŞăăŁăć˛ăćŽăŁăŚăăăă ăă ăăăăăăŤăžăć°ăăă˘ăŤăă ăä˝ăăă¨ăă§ăăăă ăăăŞăŁăŚăäżşéčŞčşŤăŻćăŁăŚăăăă ăăăŠăäżşéăľăăă¨ăć°ăăăšăżă¸ăŞăć˘ăăŞăăĄăăŞăăŞăăŚăçľĺąăšăżă¸ăŞăć˘ăăŚăăăăŤč˝ăĄçăăžă§ă丸1ĺš´ăăăŁăŚăăžăŁăăă ăăăă§ăăă¸ăŞăŹăăŁăăŽă¨ăăŤćŽăăć˛ăăĺ§ăăăă¨ăăăă ăăŠăćéăçľéăăŚăäżşéăŽčśŁĺă秝ăĺ¤ăăŁăŚăăăă¨ăŤć°äťăăăă ăă ăăăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ăŻăžăŁăăć°ăăăźăăăăŽçść
ă§ĺ§ăăăă¨ăŤăăăă ăăă¤ăŻăŻăăĽăźă¸ăźăŠăłăă§éˇăćéăéăăăŚăăăăăăăăă˘ăŤăă ăŽĺśä˝ăé
ăăççąăŽă˛ă¨ă¤ă¨ăăŚćăăăăăăäżşéăŻăBOCă¨ăăăšă¤ăăăăŞăăŤăăŚăčŞçąăŤăŞăă¨ăăăă¨ăĺŽčĄăăăă ă365ćĽăšăżă¸ăŞăŤăăŞăă¨ăăăŞăăŁăŚăăăăăŞćăčžźăżăăčŞăă解ćžăăŚăć
čĄăăăăĺéşăăăăčŞçąăŤčĄĺăăăă ăăăăŻăă˘ăŤăă ăŽăŞăŞăźăšééă犺ăăŚăăžăŁăççąăŽă˛ă¨ă¤ăŞăă ăăŠăäťăŤăäżşéăéłćĽ˝ăä˝ăăŤăăăŁăŚăăľăŚăłăă質ćăĺşăăăăŤăăăŽăăă业忾ăŤăŹăłăźăăä˝ăčžźăă§ăăăăăäťăŽăăłăăŤćŻăšăŚăéłăĺŽćăăăăŽăŤćéăăăăă¨ăăăă¨ăăăă¨ćăăă}} |
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| + | {{question|ăăŽ3ĺš´éă§ćăĺ°čąĄăŤćŽăŁăĺşćĽäşăŻďźăŠăŽăăăŞĺ˝˘ă§ć°ä˝ăŤĺć ăăăŚăăă¨ćăăžăă}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźăăŠăłăšăŽă˘ăŤăăšă§äşć
ăŤéăŁăăă ăăŠăăăăŻäżşăŤă¨ăŁăŚăă¸ăăŁă´ăŞĺšćăăăăăăŚăăăăăăŽäşć
ăŽăăăă§ăćĽăŤćťă¨ăăăăŽăŽĺĺ¨ăćăăăăăŤăŞăŁăŚăBOCăŽć´ťĺăŽăŹăăŤăăăăŤéŤăăŚăăŁă¨ă§ăăă ăĺ¤ăăŽä˝ĺăăăŽä¸ăŤćŽăăŚăăăăă¨ăăć°ćăĄăŤăăăŚăăăăă ăäżşăŽç§çć´ťăăăăŚBOCăŽć´ťĺăéăăŚăăăăăă¤ăăŽăă¨ăäżşăŽć°ćăĄăč˝ăĄčžźăžăăŚăăăă ăăŠăăăŽäşć
Ľăç´ăăŚăBOCăŽäťäşăŤĺăçľăăăăăŤăŞăŁăăă ă}} |
| + | {{question|čłćăŤăăă°2004ĺš´ăŽĺ¤ăŤăă¤ăŻăăăŤăĺăăăçăžăăăăă§ăăăăăă§ă¨ăăăăăžăďźăĺăăăŻăĺ
ć°ă§ăăďźăă¤ăŻăľăłăăŁă˝ăł}} |
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| + | {{boc|ďźäťĽä¸MIďźďźćéŁăăĺ¨ăŻĺ
ć°ă ăă彟弳ăŽčŞçăŤăăŁăŚă2004ĺš´ăŻäżşăŽäşşçă§ćéŤăŽĺš´ăŤăŞăŁăăă¨ăŻééăăŞăăă彟弳ăŻĺŽéăŤć°ăŤćéăăĄăăăŠäżşéăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ăŽăŹăłăźăăŁăłă°ăŽäťä¸ăăăăŚăăé ăăšăżă¸ăŞăŤă¨ăăŠăéĄăčŚăăŚăăăăă ă彟弳ăŻéłćĽ˝ă弽ăăżăăă§ăčŞĺăŽĺĽ˝ăăŞéłćĽ˝ăŤĺĺżăăŚăăăŽăčŚăăŽăăäżşéăŽćĽ˝ăăżă ăŁăăăăăăăăă彟弳ăŻäťĺăŽă˘ăŤăă ăŽé¸ć˛ăŤĺ˝ąéżăä¸ăăŚăăăăăăăŞăă}} |
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| + | {{question|â ă¨ăăă§ăăăŽ3ĺš´éăŤăŻăŠăŚăăăă¨ăăźă ăťăăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăćăăăŚăăžăăă}} |
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| + | {{boc|MIďźă˘ăłăăłăłăŽă˘ăźăăŁăšăă¨ăŻăĺŽéăŤćăăčŻăĺéă ăŁăăă ăăăă§ăăă¤ăăłăŠăăŹăźăˇă§ăłă ă¨ăăăŞăăăŻăšăŞăăăŽčŠąăăăŚăăă ăă ăăăăŻăŠăŚăăăăăăźă ăťăăăăăăŞăăăŻăšăŽäžé źăĺăăă¨ăăŻă迡ăăă¨ăŞăç°ĄĺăŤăăăăăŁăŚçăăăă¨ăă§ăăăă ă彟ăăăăăăăŁă¨ăăă°ăŞă˘ăźăăŁăšăăŤăăăăŻăšăäžé źăăăăă¨ăăăăăŠăăăăžă§ăăŁă¨ćăçśăăŚăăăă ăäżşéăŻčŞĺăŽč¸čĄăŤĺŻžăăŚćŁç´ă§ăăăăăä¸çŞéŤăéăçŠăă§ăăăäşşăŤäżşéăŽć˛ă売ăăă¨ăŻćăăŞăăă ăăăŽçšăăŻăŠăŚăăăăăăźă ăťăăăăä˝ăŁăéłćĽ˝ăŻĺ¤§ĺĽ˝ăă ăŁăăăŻăŠăŚăăăăăăĺĺ¨ăăŞăăŁăŚăăăă¨ăŻăăĄăăŁă¨ćŽĺżľă ăăŠă彟ăăçŻăăŚăăăăŽăŻăăăťăŠé˘¨ĺăăŚăăŞăăăăăăă ăă§ăäżşăŻăăăăă¨ćăăăăăăŻĺ
ŹĺźăŞĺĽç´ă§ăŻăŞăăă ăăŠăăźăşăťăŻăłă¨ăŞăăăăşăă ăăäżşéăŽć˛ăăăżă¨ăăŚăŞăăăŻăšăăăŁăŚč¨ăŁăŚăăăăäťăŻăă¤ăŽćĽăäżşăŽćĺ
ăŤĺ°ĺćăĺąăăă¨ăçĽăŁăŚăăăďźçŹďźă}} |
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| + | {{question|ä¸ă§ăăŻăŠăŚăăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăŻä¸ćăăźăăŤăşăăăăăćă辡ăăăăăăăŞăľăŚăłăăŤäťä¸ăăŁăŚăăŚé常ăŤé˘ç˝ăăŁăă§ăăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăćăăăéăŤćăĺżăăăăă¨ăŻä˝ă§ăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźăŻăŠăŚăăăăăăăŞăăăŻăšăăăăăŤĺşćĽăăŚăŽć˛ăĺăĺăŁăăă ăăŠă誰ăäşćłă§ăăŞăăăăŞă˘ăłă°ăŤă§ćăăä˝ĺăŤăăăă¨ćăŁăăă ăĺ¤ăăŽäşşăŻäżşéăăŞăăăŻăšăăăŁăă¨čăăăăăľăłăăŤăĺ¤ç¨ăăăăă¨ăŹăŻăăăăŻăšăé§ä˝żăăă´ăĄăźă¸ă§ăłăŽć˛ăä˝ăă ăăă¨äşćłăăă¨ćăăă ăăăăćĽăăŻăŠăŚăăăăă渥ăăăć˛ăŽă´ăŠăźăŤăŤăăźăăăăă¤ăŻăăăăŁăŚăăăă ăăăă§ć°äťăăăă ăăŠăăăźăăŤăşăŤäťŁčĄ¨ăăăăăăăăăłăźăé˛čĄăăăŽć˛ăŤăăăżăŞă¨ăăăŁăăă ăăăŽă˘ăŹăłă¸ăć˛ĺ
¨ä˝ă§ăăŁăăăăăăé˘ç˝ăă ăăăŞăŁăŚćăŁăŚăăäżşăŻĺ¤ăăŽăăłăšăăźăăăŽăăă ăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăŤéŁ˝ă飽ăăăŚăăăă ăă ăăăäżşéăŻĺ¤§ćľă´ăŠăźăŤăŤăŽé¨ĺă ăăć˝ĺşăăŚăć˛ăć°ăăŤäťăç´ăă¨ăăä˝ćĽăăăăă ăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšä˝ćĽăŻăăă漽ăăăŁăăă ăŁăŚăäżşăŻăăăăăŽçŻăŤăŠăă ăé˘ç˝ăăçŞćĺăăŞăăľă¤ăąăăŞăăŻăŞăľăŚăłăăäťăčśłăăăăŁăŚćčéŻčޤăăăăăăăăŠăäżşéăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšă§ăăźăăŤăşăŽéłăăľăłăăŞăłă°ăăăŁăŚć¸ăăŚăăéčŞăčŞăă ă¨ăăŻăăĄăăŁă¨ĺ°ćăăĄăăŁăăăă ăŁăŚăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăŽéłăŻăăăšăŚäżşéăçĄăŽçść
ăăä˝ăä¸ăăéłă ăŁăăăć˛čŞä˝ăă¨ăŹăŻăăŞăăŻăŠă¤ăăŞăźăąăšăăŠďźäťĽä¸ELOďźăŽăăć˛ăŤćŹćă襨ăăăăŽă ăŁăăă ăăăŠăăăăăăăELOăŻă彟ăăŽć˛ă§ăăźăăŤăşăŤćŹćă襨ăăŚăăăŽăăăăăŞăăăăä˝ă¨ăč¨ăăŞăăă ăăŠăă}} |
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| + | {{question|ă§ăŻăăăăăăăĽăźă˘ăŤăă ăŤă¤ăăŚăĺ
ˇä˝çăŤăăăă質ĺăăŚăăăăă¨ćăăžăăăžăăĺä˝ăă¸ăŞăŹăăŁăă¨ćŻčźăăĺ ´ĺăĺśä˝ăăăťăšăŽé˘ă§ĺ¤§ăăŞéăăŻăăăžăăăďźăăŁăă¨ăăă°ăăŠăăŞçšăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MIďźć°ä˝ăŽăŹăłăźăăŁăłă°ă§ăŻăćäżşéăéłćĽ˝ăä˝ăă¨ăăŤčĄăŞăŁăŚăăăăăŞăăćšăç¨ăăăăăŤăăŚĺăçľăă ăăăăŻăçăŽăľăŚăłăăăŹăłăźăăŁăłă°ăăă¨ăăăăŽă ăŁăăă ăăă¤ăŻăç¨ăăŚăăăŽĺ ´ăŽé°ĺ˛ć°ăăă¤ăşăăšăŚăĺăčžźăă§ăăăăăŽăľăŚăłăăéăăŚăă¨ăăŤăŻăăŤăăăŠăăŻăăźăăăľăłăăŞăłă°ă使ăŁăăăăŚăăăăăă¨ćä˝ăăăă ăăă¨ăăăăăăăăľăłăăŤăćççăŞĺäžăŽĺŁ°ăĺ¤ć§ăăŚăăă¨ăăăăăŞăäżşéăŽăŹăłăźăăŤĺŻžăăŚäşćłă§ăăăżăăŞăŽćĺž
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| + | {{question|䝼ĺăŽăăŞăéăŽăľăŚăłăăŻăä¸ćč°ăŞâé§âăŽăăăŞăăŽăŤĺ
ăžăăŚăăĺ°čąĄăăăăžăăăăăăäťĺăŻăăăć´ăăă˛ă¨ă¤ă˛ă¨ă¤ăŽăľăŚăłăăăŻăŞă˘ăźăŤčăăăŚăăăăăŞć°ăăăžăăăăăŻćĺłçăŞăăŽă ăŁăăŽă§ăăăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MIďźäżşăŻăľăŚăłăăăŻăŞă˘ăźăŤăŞăŁăă¨ăăăăăŻăăă¸ăăŁă´ăŤăŞăŁăă¨ăăăťăăăăŁăăăăăă䝼ĺăŻăľăŚăłăăé ăăŚăăăă ăăŠăăăă¨ăăŚăăŚé§ăăăŁăćăă§ăčŚă¤ăăăŽăéŁăăă¨ăăćăă ăŁăăăäťä˝ă§ăŻăăăŁă¨ĺ¤ăŽăăăŞăľăŚăłăăŤăăăăŁăăă ăăăśăăăăăŻä¸çăŽçśćłăŤĺŻžăăäżşéăŽăŞă˘ăŻăˇă§ăłă ă¨ćăăă ăă ăŁăŚăăăăäťăŽä¸çăŻăäżşéăăă¸ăŞăŹăăŁăăä˝ăŁăé ăăăćăăăŽăŤăŞăŁăŚăăăă ăăăäżşéăŽăăăăŻçžĺŽééżăŽăŹăłăźăăä˝ăăă¨ă ăŁăăäşşă
čĄăŤčĄăăĺ ´ćăäşşă
ăăăăăŽĺ ´ćăćäžăăăăăŞăŹăłăźăăä˝ăăăăŁăăă ăăăśăăăă¸ăŞăŹăăŁăă§ăŻăäżşéăŻăăŽćéăŽăťăăćäžăăŚăăăăăăŞăăăŞă}} |
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| + | {{question|ăžăăăľăŚăłăăăă¸ăăŁă´ăŤăŞăŁăăăăăăăăŽăăźăă70嚴䝣ĺžĺă80嚴䝣ĺé ăŤčăăĺćăŽăŞăşă ăťăăăŻăšăŽăăăŤăă¨ăŚăĺżĺ°ăăéżăăžăăă}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźäżşăŻăăăžă§ăăŁă¨80嚴䝣ĺé ăŽă¨ăŹăŻăăăŤăăăŁăŚăăăă ăăăźăăźăăłăłăăŻăăăŁăŤăŤăźăłăăăŹă¤ăŻăăˇăźăłăŽăăźăăŽĺŠăăăľăŚăłăăŞăăă弽ăăŞăă ăĺŽéăăĄăłăŻăŽăŹăłăźăăăă˘ăźăšăťăŚă¤ăłăăťă˘ăłăăťăăĄă¤ă˘ăźăŽć˛ăŽăŞăşă ăŞăăăŤă役éżăĺăăăăă˘ăŤăă ă§č´ăăăăăăŁăăľăŚăłăăŻăĺŽéăŤäżşéčŞčşŤăăăŹă¤ăăăăŽăŞăă ăäžăă°ăććĺăăăă ăăăă¤ăŻăŻăăŠă ăĺŠăăŚăăăăă誰ăäťăŽäşşăŽăăźăăĺăŤăľăłăăŞăłă°ăăăăăăŞăăŚăäżşăŻĺ˝źăăăăăăŠăŽăăăŤăăŚçăżĺşăăăăĺŽéăŤć¤č¨źăăŚăżăăŽă弽ăăŞă ă ăăăă§ăć°ăăă˘ăŤăă ăŤăăăăăŁăăăŻăăăŻăăšăżă¤ăŤăĺ ăăŚăăăă ăčŞĺčŞčşŤăéŤăăŚăăăŽăŻćŹĺ˝ăŤéŁăăăă¨ă ăăŠăäťäşşăŽĺşăŽć¨ăçăăăăŻăăăŻăăă}} |
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| + | {{question|ăăăăăľăŚăłăăăă¸ăăŁă´ăŤăŞăŁăăăăăăăăăžăăăăĺ
čż°ăăăăźă ăťăăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšă§ăăŽăżăźă大ăăăăŁăźăăŁăźăăăŚăăžăăăăăŞăăăăăŞăŁăăŽă§ăăăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MIďźäżşéăŻăăăžă§ă常ăŤăŽăżăźăăăŁăźăăŁăźăăéłćĽ˝ăä˝ăŁăŚăăăBOC䝼ĺ¤ăŽčŞ˛ĺ¤ć´ťĺă§äżşéăăŠăăŞć˛ăä˝ăŁăŚăăăŽăăăżăăŞçĽăŁăăéŠăă ăăăŞăŁăŚćăăăBOCă¨ăăŚć´ťĺăăĺăŻăäżşéăľăăă¨ăăăăŠă ăăŞăźăăťăŽăżăźăăăźăšăŞăăăŽăăăăăŻăťăăłăă§ăăŹă¤ăăŚăăăă ăéĺťăŽBOCăŽăŹăłăźăă§ăŻăăŽăżăźăŽăľăłăăŞăłă°ăŞăăăč´ăăăăŠăćżăăćăĺ ăăăăŚăăăăăăăăăŽăżăźăŽéłă ăŁăŚăăăŁă¨ć°äťăăŞăă¨ćăăă ăăăăăŠăäťĺäżşéăŻéłćĽ˝ăŽĺ
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| + | {{question|ăăăăŽăŽăżăźăăăŞăéčŞčşŤă§ĺźžăăŚăăăŽă§ăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MIďźăăă ăăăăĄăăăăăšăŚčŞĺéă§ĺźžăăŚăăăäżşéăŻăăăăăăăăŽăăăăŞăŽăżăźăăĽăźă¸ăăŻăč´ăăă ă}} |
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| + | {{question|ăăăŻBOCăŤĺŻžăă質ĺă¨ăăŚăŻĺ°ă
ç°äžăăăăăžăăăă役éżăĺăăăŽăżăŞăšăăŻďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MIďźäżşăŽĺ ´ĺăăăćĽăŻă´ă§ăŤă´ă§ăăăťă˘ăłăăźă°ăŠăŚăłăăč´ăăŚăăăŽçżćĽăŤăŻăśăťăăšăăŁăăăč´ăăŚăăăă¨ăăäťĺăŻăăŠă¤ăŞćăăŽăĺąĺ¤ă§č ăăăăăăŞăľăŚăłăăŤăăăăŁăăă ăăĄăăŁă¨ăľă¤ăąăăŞăăŻăŞăŽăżăźăťăšăżă¤ăŤă§ăăčŞçąă蹥垴ăăăăăŞăľăŚăłăăăśăăă˘ăźăşă¨ăă¸ă§ăźă ăšăă¤ăŠăźăŽăăŽéłăĺşăăŚăżăăăŁăăă ă}} |
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| + | {{question|ć¨ĺš´ăăźăŤăšăŽć¨čŚăŤăăŁăŚăăăˇăĽăăăăăĽăźăăăă¤ăăŞďźBibioďźă¨ăăă˘ăźăăŁăšăăä˝ăăăŠăăŻăŤăăăăŽăżăźă¨éťĺéłă¨ăŽčĺăŽăăćšăă¨ĺ
ąéçšăćăăć˛ăă˘ăŤăă ăŤăăăžăăă彟ăŽéłćĽ˝ăŤă¤ăăŚăŻăŠăćăăžăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźăăśăăăă¤ăăŞăŤäżşăŻĺ˝ąéżćăăăŚăăă¨ăŻćŁăăăăăŠă彟ăč´ăéłćĽ˝ăăäżşéăč´ăéłćĽ˝ă¨äźźăŚăăă¨ăăäşĺŽăăăăă ăăă¤ăăŠăŽăšăăŁăźă´ăłăćĺäżşéăŽéłćĽ˝ăŤĺ˝ąéżăĺăăŚăăă¨ăăăă¨ăŻçĽăŁăŚăăăăăăśăăăă°ăăăăĺćšĺăŽç´ ć´ăăăç¸äšĺšćă ă¨ćăăă ăäżşăŻăăżăăŞă彟ăŽéłćĽ˝ăč´ăăăă8ĺăăăĺ¤ăă彟ăŽéłćĽ˝ăč´ăăŚăăăăŠă彟ăŻćŹĺ˝ăŤéłćĽ˝ăŽĺ¤Šćă ăă彟ăŽéłćĽ˝ăŽ95ďź
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| + | {{question|äťä˝ăŤăŻăĺ¤ĺ¨éĄăéťĺéłäťĽĺ¤ăŽăăăŁăźăŤăăťăŹăłăźăăŁăłă°ăăăéłăŻĺ
ĽăŁăŚăăă¨ăăăăăăăŻä˝ăŽéłă§ăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźçŠşéăŽéłăé˛éłăăăăŽăŻĺ¤ăăăă˘ăŚăăă˘ăŞćăăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ă§ăŻčĄ¨çžăăăăŁăăă ăăŠăăăăăăžăăŤăéĄčăŤčĄ¨çžăăăă¨ăăăă¨ăăăăăăŻăŞăăŁăăĺşă犺éăŽéłăéăŁăç°ĺ˘ăŽéłăăŹăłăźăăŁăłă°ăăăă ăăŠăăăăŻăŠăĄăăă¨ăăă¨ăăăăŻă°ăŠăŚăłăă§éł´ăŁăŚăăŚăäżşéăŽéłćĽ˝ăăăăăŤĺźˇăăăŽăŤăăŚăăăäžăă°ăă84 Pontiac DreamăăŻăăăĽăźă¨ăźăŻăŽéăăŽĺ§é¨ăăŹăłăźăăŁăłă°ăăăăŽă使ăăăŚăăăăăŽéłăŽä¸ăŤăŻăćăŁăŚăăăżăŻăˇăźăŽé蝢ćăŽć§ĺăă太ăŁăă˘ăĄăŞăŤăŽĺĽłć§ăăˇă§ăăăłă°ăăăŚăăć§ĺăŞăăăé˛éłăăăŚăăăăŞăăăăŞéłă使ăŁăăŽăă¨ăăă¨ăăăŽć˛ăŤăŻăă¨ăă¨ăăăăăŁăčćŻă¨ăăăăăłăłăťăăăăăŁăăăăŞăă ăăă¨ăăChromakey DreamcatăăŽăťă¨ăăŠăŽăľăŚăłăăŻćľˇčžşăŽăăźăă§é˛éłăăăăăŽăŞăă ăćă
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| + | {{boc|MIďźăăŽć˛ăŤăŻăçšĺĽăŞăšăăźăŞăźăăăăă ăăăăľăźăăĄăźăŽčŠąăŞăă ăăŠă彟ăŻčŞĺăŽăă¨ăăăźăăźă ă¨ćăŁăŚăăŚăă彟ăŻăăăăăźă˝ăăŤăŞĺšťćłăćăŁăŚăăăă ăăăŽĺšťćłăŁăŚăăăŽăŻă大čŞçśăŤĺşăŚéćżăŞăă¨ăăăăăăăŚăčŞĺă§ăŤăšăżăăŁăşăăăăłă§éćłăăăăŁăŚăăăăăăăŁăć
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| + | ă˘ăŤăă ăŤăŻăăInto The Rainbow VeinăăPeacock TailăăAtraronchrononďź=ĺçąłĺ
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| + | {{boc|MAďźäżşéăŻăĺĽăŤčŞçśăĺ´ćăăăăăŤéłćĽ˝ăä˝ăŁăŚăăăăăăŞăăă¨ăŤç˘şăă ăăäżşéăčŞçśăă役éżăĺăăŚăăăŽăŻç˘şăă ăăŠăăăăŻăăă˛ă¨ă¤ăŽčŚç´ ăŤăăăŞăăéłćĽ˝ă¸ăŁăźăăŞăšăéăŻăäżşéăŽä˝ĺăăăăčŞçśä¸ťçžŠăŤč¸ăăŚăăă¨ăăăăăŞć¸ăćšă§čĄ¨ăăăŠăăăăŻäżşéăŽćŹč˝çăŞčśŁĺă§ăăŁăŚăć˛ä˝ăăăŚăăă¨ăăŤĺżľé ăŤç˝ŽăăŚăăŁăŚăăăăăŞăă¨ă§ăŻăŞăăă ăäżşéăŻăăăăăŞĺ ´ćăă˘ă¤ăăăŁă˘ăăăć˛ăŽă¤ăłăšăăŹăźăˇă§ăłăăżă¤ăăŤăŽă˘ăŁăăŁă˘ăĺžăŚăăăă ăă ăăăäżşéăŽćŁčăŽä¸ă§ăŻăčŞçśăŤăăŁăŚă¤ăłăšăă¤ă˘ăăăć˛ăăčŞĺčťăăăçšĺŽăŽć䝣ăŤă¤ăłăšăă¤ă˘ăăăć˛ăăăžăŁăăĺăăăŽăŞăă ăăă ăĺŤéăç°ăŞăăăŽăŤăăŁăŚĺşćżăĺăăă ăă§ăăăŽéç¨ăŤéăăŻăŞăăă ăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ăŻć˘ć¤ăăăăć
ăŞăŽăăé ăŽä¸ă§ćăćăăŚăă犺ćłăŽć
ăŽä¸ă§çš°ăĺşăăăăŚăăä¸çăŞăă ăăăăŚăăăŽä¸çăŻäżşéăăăŞăăĽăźăăăéťéć䝣ăĺäşşçăŤäżşéăćăĺşăăăăŞăçžăăć䝣ăŽĺçąłăăŤăăă¨ăăĺ ´ćăçŠäşăăäťăăăăˇăłăăŤă§ăăăŁă¨ăăăăźă ăŁăć䝣ăŤč¨ĺŽăăăŚăăăă ă}} |
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| + | {{question|ă§ăŻăSlow This Bird DownlăŽăă˘ă§ăăăč˛ă㨠ăŻăä˝ăăŽăĄăżăăĄăźă ăŁăăăăžăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MIďźăżă¤ăăŤăŤăľăă¤ăŽćĺłăćăăăŚăăăă ăăăăŻăă˘ăŤăă ăăăăăć
ăŽä¸é¨ăŞăă ă襨é˘çăŞćĺłă§č¨ăă°ăăăŽăżă¤ăăŤăŻĺ°ĺéŁčĄćŠăŤäšăŁăŚăăăă¤ăăăăč¨ăăăăŞč¨čă ăăăăă¤ăăăăçé¸ăăĺ ´ćăčŚă¤ăăŚăâăăăăăăăŽĺ°ĺćŠďźThis BirdďźăŽăšăăźăă硊ăăŚćşé¸ăăă "ăŁăŚăăăăăŞć示ăĺşăăŚăăćăă ăăăăŠăäżşăćŹĺ˝ăŤäźăăăăŁăćĺłăŻăăăŽä¸çăçžĺ¨ăăăé
ă§ăăăă¨ăăăăŻćżć˛ťçăŤăăćčĄçăŤăăç°ĺ˘ăŽé˘ăăăč¨ăăăă¨ă ă¨ćăăă ăă ăăăăżă¤ăăŤăŽThis BirdăŁăŚăćŹĺ˝ăŻăăŽä¸çăŽăă¨ăćă示ăăŚăăăă ă}} |
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| + | {{question|ăŠăšăć˛ăŽăżă¤ăăŤăŻăFarewell Fireăă§ăăăćĽćŹčŞăŤăŻăéăçŤăă¨ăăč¨čăăăăžăăăăçăŽćĺžăŽćĽăŽĺ¤ăäťăžă§ăăŚăŞăăŚăăçĽĺ
ćŻăăă¤ăé ăŤćľŽăăă§ăăăă¨ăăăăžăăăăăŤă¤ăăŚăăŠăćăăžăăďźăăŽć˛ăŻăăŠăŽăăăŤăăŚçăžăăăŽă§ăăăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźăăŽč§ŁéăŻăăăăäżşăŤă¨ăŁăŚăŻăăăŽć˛ăŻă¨ăŚăć˛ăăć˛ăŞăă ăă§ăăĺĽăŤĺ
ˇä˝çăŞäşćăŻćĺłăăŚăăŞăăă ăăŠăăä˝ăăŽçľăăă襨ăéłćĽ˝ăŽăăăŞăăŽăŞăă ăé常ăŤčąŞéżă§ćć
çăŞçľăăă示ăăŚăăăă ăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ăŤĺé˛ăăăŚăăăăă¤ăăŽć˛ăŻăä˝ć˛ăăľăŚăłăăăăťăšă¨ăăŁăĺ¤ăăŽä˝ćĽăçľăŚăä¸ćăć§ćăăăŚăăăăăŠăăFarewel FireăăŻéăăă ăăăŽć˛ăŻçă§é˛éłăăăăŽă ăă桹ĺ¤ă ăŁăăăăăăăă¨ăăŚăăăă ăă˘ăĄăŞăŤă§ăŻăéçźăăăăăă¨ăăFarewell Fireăă¨ĺźăśăă ăă ăăăăFarewell Fireăă¨ăăăŽăŻäżşéčŞčşŤăŽéăçŤă ă¨ăăăă¨ăč¨ăăăăăăăŞăăă ăŁăŚăăăŽć˛ăŻçžäťŁăžă§ăŤä˝ăĺşăăăéłćĽ˝ăéăĺşăăăăŽć˛ă ăŁăăăăă}} |
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| + | {{question|ăFarewell FireăăăăŻăă˘ăŤăă ăťăżă¤ăăŤăăăśăťăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăăăăă§ă¤ăşăă ăăŤăćĺéăăăăŁăłăăŽćĺžăŽĺ¤ăŽĺĽăăŽçăă¨ăăŁăĺ
ćŻă澎ăăłăžăăäťĺă˘ăŤăă ăżă¤ăăŤăŤăăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăă¨ăăč¨čďźĺ¤§čŞçśăŽä¸ăŽĺ¤ă¨ă¤ăŞăăăBOCăŽéłćĽ˝ăŤäźźă¤ăăăăăăŽă§ăăă¨ćăăžăďźă使ăăă¨ćăŁăçľçšăŻďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MIďźäżşéăŻăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ăć
ă§ăăăăă ăă˘ăŤăă ăŽĺé ă§ăăăăă誰ăăć
ăŽăă¤ăŠă¤ăă¨ăăŚĺ¤ăŽăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ăŁăźăăăăă ăăăŽéˇăć
衯ă¨ăăăŽăŻăĺŽăŻăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăĺ˛ăă§ăăăăăäşşăŽé ăŽä¸ă§čľˇăăŁăăăăŁăć°ĺĺăŽć
ăăăăăŞăăă ăăăăăŁăă˘ă¤ăăŁă˘ăćă辡ăăăăăăăŤăăăŽăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăŻĺĺ¨ăăŚăăăă ăăăăŻăćéăŤćŞăżăĺĺ¨ăăă¨ăăçčŤăŤčżăăăŽă§ăăăŽä¸çă§ăŻćéăŽĺŽçžŠăŻăăăľăăŞăăŽăŤăŞăŁăŚăăžăăă ăăăăŻăçžĺŽăŤčľˇăăŁăŚăăĺŽéăŽć
ăŽä˝é¨ăăé˝äźăé˘ăéççăŤăŞăćčŚă¨ăčŞĺăŽé ăŽä¸ă§ć
ăăăŚăăă¨ăăăçžĺŽă¨ćłĺăŽä¸çăŽçéăŽăăźăăăă¨ăăăăăžăăŞăăŽăŞăă ă}} |
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| + | {{question|ăăăŤăăăăăă§ă¤ăşăă¨ăăăăŞăŤăăćŞăăăŞč¨čăăăŁă¤ăăŽăăăăăé˘ç˝ăă§ăăăăĄăŞăżăŤăćĽćŹă§ăŻĺ°ĺŚçăä¸ĺŚçăŽă¨ăĺŚć ĄčĄäşă¨ăăŚăăŁăłăăŤčĄăă¨ăăçżć
Łăăăăä¸çăŽăăĄăăăŽă¨ăăăăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăä˝é¨ăăŞăäşşăĺ°ăŞăăăăžăăăăăă§ăŞăă¨ăăéŤć Ąçă大ĺŚçăŽčŚäźăżăŤčĄăăăăă§âŚăç§ăăăă§ăăăăăăŞç§ăŻăăśăťăăŁăłăăăĄăĄă¤ă¤ăźăăăăă§ă¤ăşăă¨ăăăăŹăźăşăăăăć°ĺ°ăŞăăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăä˝é¨ăăĺ°ĺš´ăéĺš´ćăŽĺ¤ăŤé ăă¨ăăăăŚăăžăŁăçść
ăäťăŽä˝ăăŽĺ˝ąéżăăăŁăŚďźé ăăśăŁéŁăă çść
ăă ćă澎ăăšăžăăăăăăŁă解éăŻăăăă§ăăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźăăă ăăăăăăă解éă ă¨ćăăäżşéăĺäžăŽé ăăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăăăŚăăăăăăăăčĄäşăŤăŻä¸ćč°ăŞé°ĺ˛ć°ăăăŁăăăăăăŠă大人ăŤăŞăŁăäťă ăŁăŚăăăăăŁăä¸ćč°ăŞĺ˝ąéżăĺăăăă¨ă ăŁăŚăăă¨ćăăé
ăŁćăŁăŚăăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ăŁăźăŽĺăă§çłăćăŤăăŚć¨ŞăŤăŞăăăăăăŠăé ăŻăăŽăăăĺ´ăăŚăŚăĺŽéăŽé ăăčłăżăă ăăéŁăłĺşăăŚăăľăă¤ăăćăŽăšăăźăăŤăźăŤäšăčžźăă§ăć°éąéăŽăăŠă¤ă´ăŤĺşăăăăăŞćčŚăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ăŻčĄ¨çžăăăă¨ăăŚăăăă ă}} |
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â | "[[The Golden Apples Of The Sun]]" is a 2006 interview by Kazumichi Sato/Hidetsugu Ito. It originally appeared in the Japanese music magazine Cookie Scene.
| + | {{question|ă¨ăăă§ăĺä˝ăŞăŞăźăšćăŽćŹčŞăŽĺćä¸ăŤăă60嚴䝣ăŽăľă¤ăąăăŞăăŻăťă ăźă´ăĄăłăăŽć šćŹçăŞĺŤçăŤăŻĺ
ąćăčŚăăăă¨ăăçşč¨ăăăăžăăăä¸ćšă§ăăăŠăŻăźăăŻăźăŞăăŚăăŽăŻăĄăăŁă˘ăăăĄăăˇă§ăłă¨ăăŚä˝ăä¸ăăăăŽă ăă¨ăăçşč¨ăăăăžăăăăăŞăéăŽéłćĽ˝ăŻăĺ˝ćăŽăŞăŞă¸ăăŤăŞéłćĽ˝ă襨çžăŽćă¤ăčŞçąăăăçžäťŁăŤçśćżăăŚăăăăăŤăćăăžăăăăăăŁăčŚćšăŤă¤ăăŚăŻăŠăćăăžăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźăăŽĺ˝ćăŽčŞçąă¨ăăčăăŻăăăŽăăăĺşćżçăŞăăŽă ăăăăăžă§ăŽć
Łçżăć¨ăŚăŚăĺŽé¨çăŞăă¨ăăăăăăăăăŻăăŠăă°ăŤçăžăăă¨ăŞăăéłćĽ˝ăč¸čĄăŤăžă§éŁăłçŤăăŚăăăăăćčćšéŠăŤăžă§ĺăă ăĺ˝ćăŽă˘ăźăăŁăšăăăăłăăŽä¸ăŤăŻăăăŽăłăłăťăăăŤăăăĺż ĺŽăŞäşşéăăăŚăéłćĽ˝ăč¸čĄăŽĺŻč˝ć§ăćźăä¸ăăăă ăăăŠăăăă¨ćăĺăăăăŚăćăăăŤăľă¤ăąăăŞăăŻăăăăăźăŽćľčĄăĺćĽçăŤĺŠç¨ăăăă¨ăăäźćĽăäşşă
ˇă¸ă¨ĺ¤ăăŚăăăăăĺŠçăĺžĺžăăă¨ăăăă ăăăăăŁăĺăăŤăăŁăŚăçľĺąăăŽćľčĄăăăăăăčŞçąăŽç˛žçĽă ă¨ăăčŞçąăŞĺľé ăŽä¸çă¨ăăăăŽăŻĺ¤ąăăăŚăăžăŁăăă ăäżşăŻăă¤ăăĺ˝ćć´ťčşăăćŹçŠăŽă˘ăźăăŁăšăéăăăŁăăă¨ăĺśéăăăăă¨ăŤĺŻžăă彟ăăŽĺĺżăĺśéăăăćĺă礞äźăŤĺŻžăă彟ăăŽĺĺżăĺżăăŚăŻăăăŞăă¨ćăŁăŚăăăă ăă ăăăäżşăŻçžäťŁă§ă彟ăăŽăăăŤăŞăăă¨äżĄăăŚăăăĺĽăŤĺ˝źăăŽăăăŞćčŁ
čŚăŻăŞăăăŠăăăśăťă˘ăłăăźăşăżăăăŞć źć źĺĽ˝ăăăĺż
ĺżĺ°ăŽčŻăăć¨ăŚĺťăŁăŚăĺ˝ćăŽăăăŞă ăźă´ăĄăłăăăžăä˝ăĺşăăă¨ăŻă§ăăă¨ćăăă ă}} |
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| + | {{question|äťĺžčżăăăĄăŤăŠă¤ă´ăăăŠăźăăłăšăčĄăŞăäşĺŽăŻăăăžăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MAďźăĄăăăŠäťĺžăŽăŠă¤ă´ăŽäşĺŽăŤă¤ăăŚčŞżć´ăăŚăăă¨ăăă ăăăăăăăćĽĺš´ăŤăŻăăžăăŠă¤ă´ăăăăăăŤăŞăăăăăŞăăŽăăŞă}} |
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| + | {{question|ćĺžăŽčłŞĺă§ăăăă¤ăŻăăăŽĺ¨ăăăŤăŻć°ä˝ăŽéłăč´ăăăžăăăďźăăč´ăăăŚăăăă彟弳ăŻăŠăăŞĺĺżă示ăăžăăăďź}} |
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| + | {{boc|MIďźĺ˝źĺĽłăć°ăŤĺ
ĽăŁăŚăăăŚăăăżăăă ăăć˛ăć¸ăä¸ăăŚăăé ăŤă彟弳ăăšăżă¸ăŞăŤćĽăŚăăăăăă ăăŠăăPeacock TailăăăŹăłăźăăŁăłă°ăăŚăăă¨ăăŞăăŚă彟弳ăŻăăăăĄăăĄĺăĺăŁăŚăăăŁă¨ăăŚăăŞăăŁăăă ăă ăăă彟弳ăŽăć°ăŤĺ
ĽăăŽć˛ăŻăPeacock Tailăă ăă}} |
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| + | '''*Note''': Translated using [https://translate.google.com/ Google Translate] and [https://www.deepl.com/ DeepL]. |
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| [[The Golden Apples Of The Sun]] | | [[The Golden Apples Of The Sun]] |
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â | {{question|[[Boards of Canada]] (BOC)'s new album ''[[The Campfire Headphase]]'' has finally been released. I think it's a wonderful work. First of all, I will give you a rough impression. Compared to the previous work, I felt that it was a work that was very pop in a sense and had more "spaces that even first-time listeners could easily enter." And, like the previous works, you can feel as if you are watching a movie, but I feel that the movie has become a more "general" work. .. How about?}} | + | {{question|[[Boards of Canada]] (BOC)'s new album ''[[The Campfire Headphase]]'' has finally been released. I think it's a great piece of work. Let me give you a general impression first. Compared to the previous album, I felt that it was in a way very pop and had more "space for new listeners to get into". And just like the previous works, you can feel as if you are watching a film, but I felt that the film is more "generic". How about it?}} |
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â | {{boc|[[Marcus Eoin]] (MA): As an instrumental band, whenever I make a record, I take the approach of making a travel or movie soundtrack. I think the previous album ''[[Music Has the Right to Children]]'' was the first album for many to know our music. It was an album like a soundtrack for documentaries and bizarre animations. The previous work, ''[[Geogaddi]]'', was geometric and claustrophobic, with the image of a dark experience or something sinful. And this is ''[[The Campfire Headphase]]'' which I made with the approach of an outdoor soundtrack for road movies in a psychedelic fantasy world. It was an attempt to make more positive and simple melody-oriented music, rather than sticking to the fine details of the samples.}} | + | {{boc|[[Marcus Eoin]] (MA): As an instrumental band, we always approach making a record as if we were traveling or making a soundtrack for a movie. I think our previous album ''[[Music Has the Right to Children]]'' was the first album that many people discovered our music. It was an album that sounded like a soundtrack for a documentary or a bizarre animation. Our last album, ''[[Geogaddi]]'', was geometric and claustrophobic, a dark experience, a sinful act of some kind. Then came ''[[The Campfire Headphase]]'', which we approached as an outdoor soundtrack for a road movie set in a psychedelic fantasy world. It was an attempt to make more positive, simple, melody-oriented music, rather than focusing on the fine details of the samples.}} |
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â | {{question|However, it has been more than three years since the release of the previous work. During that time, except for some remix work, BOC information was not well communicated. How have you spent the last three years? For example, did you go on a trip somewhere?}} | + | {{question|However, it's been more than three years since the release of your last album. During that time, apart from some remix work, not much information about BOC has been conveyed to us. How did you spend your time during these three years? For example, did you go on any trips?}} |
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â | {{boc|MA: After I finished recording ''[[Geogaddi]]'', there were some songs I didn't record. So we were wondering if we could make another new album soon. But we both had to find a new studio, and it took us a whole year to find one and settle down there. So I tried to start with the songs I left for ''[[Geogaddi]]'', but over time I realized that our tastes had changed. That's why I decided to start this album from scratch with a whole new look. Mike spent a lot of time in New Zealand, which is one of the reasons why the album was delayed. We turned off the switch called BOC and did what we were free to do. I was free to travel, adventure and act freely, freeing myself from the belief that I had to be in the studio 365 days a year. This is one of the reasons why the release interval of the album has been vacant, but in addition to that, when we make music, we make records very carefully in order to give sound and texture, so other I think it may take longer to complete the sound than a band.}} | + | {{boc|MA: After we finished recording "[[Geogaddi]]", there were a few songs left that we didn't record. So we thought we would be able to make a new album soon. But we both had to find a new studio, and it took us a whole year to find one and settle down there. We tried to start with the songs we had left over from "[[Geogaddi]]", but as time went on, we realized that our tastes had changed. So we decided to start this album completely fresh, from scratch. Mike spent a lot of time in New Zealand, so that was another reason for the delay in making the album. We did this by turning off the BOC switch and letting loose, freeing ourselves from the assumption that we had to be in the studio 365 days a year, traveling, adventuring, and just being free. That's one of the reasons why we've had such a long gap between releases, but I think another reason is that we're very meticulous about creating a record that has a certain sound and texture to it, so it takes us longer to perfect our sound than other bands.}} |
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â | {{question|What was the most memorable event in the last three years? How do you think it is reflected in the new work?}} | + | {{question|What has been the most memorable event of the past three years? In what ways do you think they are reflected in the new album?}} |
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â | {{boc|MA: I had an accident in the French Alps, which had a positive effect on me. Thanks to that accident, I suddenly felt the existence of death, which made me want to raise the level of BOC activities and leave as many works as possible in the world. Through my personal life and BOC activities, some things have depressed me, but through that accident, I was able to work on BOC work with a new feeling and renewed spirit. That's right.}} | + | {{boc|MA: I had an accident in the French Alps, which had a positive effect on me. Thanks to that accident, I suddenly felt the presence of death, which made me want to raise the level of BOC activities and leave as much work as possible in this world. Some things in my personal life and in BOC's work had been depressing me, but the accident has allowed me to work on BOC with a fresh mind and a renewed spirit.}} |
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| {{question|According to the materials, Mike had a child in the summer of 2004. Congratulations! How are your children?}} | | {{question|According to the materials, Mike had a child in the summer of 2004. Congratulations! How are your children?}} |
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â | {{boc|[[Michael Sandison]] (MI): Thank you. My daughter is fine. With her birth, 2004 is arguably the best year of my life. She actually showed up in the studio from time to time for a few months, just as we were finishing the recording for this album. She seems to like her music and it was our pleasure to see her reacting to her favorite music. Perhaps she has influenced her selection of songs on this album.}} | + | {{boc|[[Michael Sandison]] (MI): Thank you. She's doing great. Her birth definitely made 2004 one of the best years of my life. She actually came to see me in the studio from time to time for a few months, right around the time we were finishing up the recording of this album. She seemed to like the music, and it was fun for us to see her react to the music she liked. Maybe she had some influence on the song selection for this album.}} |
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â | {{question|By the way, you've been remixing Clouded and Boom VIP over the last three years.}} | + | {{question|By the way, you've done remixes for Clouddead and Boom Bip in the last three years.}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: I've always been good friends with anticon artists. So I was always talking about collaborations and remixes. So when I got a remix request from Clouddead or Boom Bip, I could easily answer without hesitation. I've been asked to mix by bigger artists than them, but I've always refused. We want to be honest with our art and we don't want to sell our songs to the people who make the most money. In that respect, I loved the music made by Clouddead and Boom Bip. It's a little disappointing that Clouddead no longer exists, but what they've built isn't that weathered. That alone makes me happy. This isn't an official deal, but Doze One and Odd Nosdam said they'd remix our songs as material, so I'm hoping that someday I'll get the check ( Lol).}} | + | {{boc|MI: I've actually been good friends with the Anticon artists for a long time. So we were always talking about collaborations and remixes. So when Clouddead or Boom Bip asked me to do a remix, it was easy for me to say yes without hesitation. I've been asked to do remixes for much bigger artists than them, but I've always turned them down. We like to be honest about our art and don't want to sell our songs to the highest bidder. In that respect, we loved the music that Clouddead and Boom Bip made. It's a bit of a shame that Clouddead doesn't exist anymore, but what they built hasn't faded away that much. I'm glad for that. This isn't an official deal, but Doseone and Odd Nosdam have said they'll be remixing some of our songs as material, so now I'm praying for a check to come my way someday (laughs).}} |
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â | {{question|Above all, the clouddead remix was the Mid-term Beatles, and it was very interesting because it had a sound that reminded me of it. What did you keep in mind when working on this remix?}} | + | {{question|The remix of "Clouddead" was particularly interesting because it reminded me of the mid-period Beatles themselves. What was the most important thing you kept in mind when working on this remix?}} |
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â | {{boc|A: I received a song from Clouddead that was just made for remixing, but I wanted to make it an angle that no one could predict. Many people expect that when they hear we've done a remix, they'll make a lot of sambles and an electronics version of the song. , Mike was messing around. That's why I noticed that the common chord progressions represented by The Beatles fit perfectly into this song. I thought it would be very interesting to do this arrangement for the whole song. I was tired of remixing just a lot of dance beats. That's why we usually extract only the vocal part and re-add the song. That remix work was a lot of fun. Because I wondered how interesting and crazy psychedelic sounds could be added to each section. But when we read a magazine that said we sampled the Beatles sound in that remix, I was a little confused. Because the sound of that remix was all the sound we made from nothing, and the song itself was a tribute to a song of the Electric Light Orchestra (ELO). But maybe ELO was paying homage to The Beatles in their song, so I can't say anything.}} | + | {{boc|MA: I received a song from Clouddead that was just made for remixing, but we wanted to capture it from an angle that no one would expect. A lot of people, when they hear that we've done a remix, they expect us to do a version with a lot of samples and electronics. One day, Mike was tweaking the vocals on a song that Clouddead had given him, and I realized that a common chord progression, typical of the Beatles, would work perfectly for this song. I thought it would be really interesting to do this arrangement for the whole song. I was tired of a lot of remixes that just put a dance beat on it. So we'd usually just take the vocals and rework the song. I really enjoyed that remixing process. I had a lot of fun doing that remix, because I was trying to figure out how many interesting, outlandish psychedelic sounds I could add to each verse. But when I read in a magazine that we sampled the Beatles' sound for that remix, I was a little confused, because the sound of that remix was all something we made up out of thin air, and the song itself was a tribute to a song by Electric Light Orchestra. But maybe ELO was paying homage to the Beatles with their songs, I can't say.}} |
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| {{question|Now, I would like to ask you various specific questions about the new album. First of all, was there a big difference in the production process compared to the previous work ''[[Geogaddi]]'' If so, what are the points?}} | | {{question|Now, I would like to ask you various specific questions about the new album. First of all, was there a big difference in the production process compared to the previous work ''[[Geogaddi]]'' If so, what are the points?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: For the new recordings, I tried to use the way we used to make music. It was about recording live sound. I used a mic to capture all the mood and noise of the scene, layer those sounds, and sometimes use multi-track tape and sampling to do a lot of things. I also wanted to disappoint everyone's expectations for our records, such as a variety of easy-to-understand samples and fragmented children's voices. After all, I've heard other people doing the same thing as we do, and maybe I was influenced by our records, but now that's the way it is. It's even thought to be a joke. That's why I focused on the texture of the melody and sound in this work. The decisive difference from ''[[Geogaddi]]'' is that ''[[Geogaddi]]'' is made up of blocks. It was made in a way that the song was made by adding things little by little. But in ''[[The Campfire Headphase]]'', many of the songs are based on ideas that came from a jam session in our two studios. It's like using an instrument to find the core idea. Then it was like finishing the song by solidifying around that core.}} | + | {{boc|MI: When we recorded the new album, we tried to do it the way music used to be made. It was about recording live sound. We used microphones to capture all the ambience and noise of the scene, and then layered those sounds and manipulated them in various ways, sometimes using multi-track tape and sampling to do a lot of things. We also wanted to defy people's expectations of our records, which are based on the use of obvious samples and fragmented children's voices. Because we've already heard other people doing the same kind of things that we do, and maybe they were influenced by our record, but nowadays those kinds of techniques are even considered a joke. That's why we focused on the melody and the texture of the sound on this record. One thing that's really different from ''[[Geogaddi]]'' is that ''[[Geogaddi]]'' is structured like building blocks. It was written in a way that you can build up a song by adding things little by little. But a lot of the songs on ''[[The Campfire Headphase]]'' are based on ideas that came out of jam sessions between the two of us in the studio. We used instruments to find the core ideas. And then we just kind of built around that core idea and worked on the songs.}} |
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â | {{question|I had the impression that your previous sounds were wrapped in something like a mysterious "fog". However, this time it was fine and I feel that each sound can be heard clearly. Was this intentional?}} | + | {{question|In the past, I had the impression that your sound was shrouded in a mysterious "fog". This time, however, it seems to have cleared up and each sound can be heard clearly. Was this intentional?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: I think it's more positive to say that the sound is more positive than it is to be clear. I used to hide the sound. It was dull and foggy, and it was hard to find. I wanted to make it sound more like summer in this work. Maybe it's our reaction to the world situation. After all, the world today is darker than it was when we made ''[[Geogaddi]]''. So our aim was to make a record of escapism. I wanted to make a record that would provide a place for people to forget everything and go on a trip, a place for people to escape the darkness. Maybe in ''[[Geogaddi]]'' we were offering that darkness.}} | + | {{boc|MI: I would say that the sound has become more positive than clear. Before, the sound was hidden. Before, I was hiding my sound, it was dark and foggy and hard to find. With this one, I wanted to make it sound more like summer. Maybe it's our reaction to the state of the world. Maybe it's our reaction to the state of the world, because the world is rather darker now than it was when we made ''[[Geogaddi]]''. So our aim was to make a record about escaping reality. We wanted to make a record that would provide a place where people could forget everything and go on a trip, a place where people could escape the darkness. Maybe in ''[[Geogaddi]]'' we were offering that darkness.}} |
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â | {{question|Also, probably because "the sound became positive", the beat sounded very comfortable like the early rhythm box heard in the late 70's and early 80's.}} | + | {{question|Also, maybe it's because the "sound has become more positive," but the beat sounds very much like the early rhythm boxes you could hear in the late 70s and early 80s.}} |
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â | {{boc|MA: I've always been into electro in the early 80's. I like the beaty sounds of Herbie Hancock, Chaka Khan and the break bear scene. In fact, I was influenced by funk records and the rhythm of Earth, Wind & Fire songs. The sounds you hear on the album are what we actually played. For example, clapping, Mike is playing the drums. Rather than just sampling someone else's beat, I like to actually see how they created it. So I'm going to add those techniques and styles to my new album. It's really hard to elevate yourself, but it's better than stealing a tree in someone else's garden.}} | + | {{boc|MA: I've always been into early 80's electro. I've always been into early 80's electro, like Herbie Hancock, Chaka Khan, and the beatific sounds of Break Machine. I've also been influenced by funk records and the rhythms of Earth, Wind and Fire songs. The sounds you hear on the album are things that we actually played ourselves. For example, the hand claps, and Mike plays the drums. I don't just sample other people's beats, I like to actually examine how they came up with them. So I'll add those techniques and styles to a new album. It's really hard to improve yourself, but it's better than stealing a tree from someone else's garden.}} |
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â | {{question|This may also be due to the "sound becoming positive", but the overall natural tone of the guitar is very impressive. By the way, the guitar was featured in the Boom Bip remix mentioned above. Why did that happen?}} | + | {{question|This may also be due to the "positive sound," but the overall natural tone of the guitar is very impressive. Come to think of it, the guitar was also featured heavily in the aforementioned Boom Bip remix. Why did that happen?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: We've always been making music featuring guitars. I think it would be surprising if everyone knew what kind of songs we were making in extracurricular activities other than BOC. Before working as BOC, we both played in rock bands with drums, lead guitar and bass. You can hear guitar sampling on BOC records in the past, but it's been heavily modified so you probably won't even notice the sound of the guitar. But this time we wanted to keep the overall image of the music simple, so we decided not to hide the sound of the guitar strangely. But lock separately I didn't suddenly want to make an album that felt like a roll. This time I tried to get a unique guitar sound that you can hear in the late 70's movie soundtrack. It's not like listening to rock music, it's like Joni Mitchell, John Abercrombie, Zabriskie Point's guitar. Even now, I handle such elements synthetically. We sample our guitar sounds and add a twist to them, change the pitch, layer filters, and remove them.}} | + | {{boc|MI: We've always made music that features guitars, and I think people would be surprised to know what kind of music we make in our extracurricular activities outside of BOC. Before BOC, we both played in rock bands with drums, lead guitar and bass. On past BOC records, you can hear some sampled guitars, but they're so heavily modified that you don't even know they're guitars. But this time we wanted to keep the overall image of the music simple, so we decided not to hide the guitar sound. But it's not that we suddenly wanted to make a rock and roll album. This time I tried to get that unique guitar sound that you would hear in a late 70's movie soundtrack. It's not the kind of thing you hear in rock music, it's more like Joni Mitchell or John Abercrombie or Zabriskie Point guitar. I'm still working with those elements in a synthetic way. We sample our own guitar sounds and try to give them a twist, change the pitch, layer filters, or remove them.}} |
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| {{question|Do you also play these guitars yourself?}} | | {{question|Do you also play these guitars yourself?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: That's right. Of course, we all play ourselves. We listen to so much different guitar music.}} | + | {{boc|MI: Yes, we do. Of course, we play them all ourselves. We listen to a lot of different guitar music.}} |
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â | {{question|This may be a bit unusual for a question to BOC, but who are the guitarists affected?}} | + | {{question|This may be a bit unusual for a BOC question, but who are your guitarist influences?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: In my case, one day I listened to The Velvet Underground, and the next day I listened to The Misfitz. This time I wanted to make it sound dry and audible outdoors. It's a little psychedelic guitar style. I wanted to make a sound that symbolizes freedom, the sound of The Doors and James Taylor.}} | + | {{boc|MI: For me, one day I'm listening to the Velvet Underground, and the next day I'm listening to the Misfits. I wanted it to sound dry and outdoorsy this time. A little psychedelic guitar style. I wanted to create a sound that symbolized freedom, that sound of The Doors or James Taylor.}} |
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â | {{question|There was a song on the album that I felt in common with "How to combine guitar and electronic sound" in a track made by an artist called Bibio, who debuted from Mash at the recommendation of Marcus last year." What do you think of his music?}} | + | {{question|There was a song on the album that I felt had something in common with the way the guitar and electronic sounds are fused in the tracks of Bibio, an artist who made his debut on Mush last year on the recommendation of Marcus. What do you think about his music?}} |
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â | {{boc|MA: Maybe I'm suffering from being affected by Bibio. But there is also the fact that the music he listens to is similar to the music we listen to. I know that Stephen of Bibio was initially influenced by our music, and I think this is a great synergy of so-called two-way. I listen to his music eight times more than everyone listens to his music, but he's really a music genius. 95% of his music is awesome and fits my wavelength perfectly. There aren't many artists like him who are always musically clear. He is particular about the texture of the sound. He values ââold sounds, damaged sounds, unfinished sounds, and so on. If there's a song that goes beyond the most beautiful songs in the world, I think it's a song that's old, it's about to crumble, it's almost silent, but it's still alive while struggling. Also, Steven has an amazing talent as a guitarist.}} | + | {{boc|MA: I'm probably influenced by Bibio. But there is also the fact that the music he listens to is similar to the music we listen to. I know that Stephen from Bibio was initially influenced by our music, and I think this is probably a great two-way synergy. I listen to his music about 8 times more than most people listen to his music, and he really is a musical genius. 95% of his music is really great and fits my wavelength perfectly. There are very few artists who are always as musically brilliant as he is. He's very particular about the texture of his sound. He values sounds that are old, damaged, unfinished, and so on. I think if there is a song that surpasses the most beautiful song in the world, it's the one that is old, crumbling, soundless, but struggling to stay alive. Also, Stephen is an amazingly talented guitarist.}} |
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â | {{question|Does this work contain field-recorded sounds other than transformers and electronic sounds? If so, what does it sound like?}} | + | {{question|Are there any field-recorded sounds on this album other than instruments and electronic sounds? If so, what kind of sounds are they?}} |
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â | {{boc|MA: There are many recordings of the sound of space. I wanted to express the outdoor feeling in this album, but I didn't want it to be expressed too prominently. We recorded the sound of a large space, the sound of a different environment, but it's rather playing in the background, making our music even stronger. For example, "[['84 Pontiac Dream]]" is a recording of the hustle and bustle of the streets of New York. In the sound, an angry taxi driver and a fat American woman shopping are recorded. The reason why I used such a sound is that this song originally had such a background or concept. Also, most of the sounds in "[[Chromakey Dreamcoat]]" were recorded on the beach. We like to delusion various things from the song title. | + | {{boc|MA: There are a lot of recordings of space sounds. I wanted to have an outdoorsy feel to the album, but I also didn't want it to be too pronounced. We recorded sounds of wide open spaces and different environments, but they are more in the background and make our music more powerful. For example, "[['84 Pontiac Dream]]" uses a recording of the hustle and bustle of the streets of New York City. Among the sounds are an angry cab driver and a fat American woman shopping. The reason why I used those sounds is because the song originally had that kind of background or concept. Also, most of the sounds on "[[Chromakey Dreamcoat]]" were recorded on the beach by the ocean. We like to fantasize about a lot of things from song titles.}} |
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â | {{question|In particular, I think that many of your song titles stir your imagination along with the music. However, what surprised me a little this time was the title "[['84 Pontiac Dream]]". Speaking of Pontiac, I feel that the image of "sporty American cars" such as Trans Am is strong. The year 1984 is attached to it ... It's very different from the image of BOC. Why do you have a title like this?}} | + | {{question|I think many of your song titles in particular spark the imagination along with the music. However, I was a little surprised by the title "[['84 Pontiac Dream]]" this time. I think Pontiac has a strong image of "sporty American cars" such as the Trans Am. The year 1984 attached to it...it's quite different from the image of BOC. Why do you have a title like this?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: This song is about a man caught in a stasis in the middle of the city in bad weather. In the traffic, he envisions in his mind another fantasy self, riding a sports car and sprinting through the highways of wilderness. His fantasies are going on in his mind at the same time, but in the end he gets into a crappy car and returns to his true self caught in the traffic jams of the rainy city. I think we're really influenced by the movies and TV shows we watched as a kid. That's largely because I lived in Canada and had similar shows in the UK, but at one point I had a very strong image of North America, big TV logos, sports cars in the early 80's, stunt movies, For example, there was a time when it was disseminated by "Cannonball" and "Great Stuntman". There's music that's very analog, but it uses synthesizers, with the image of that "Running 5000km", the Pontiac Firebird, and the image of a race where Trans Am runs through the wilderness. I wanted to get closer to that sound. That's why this song shows consent to Glen A. Larson and Lorimar, who were involved in the production of the TV show at the time.}} | + | {{boc|MI: This song is about a guy who is caught in a traffic jam in the middle of the city in bad weather. IIn the traffic, he envisions in his mind another fantasy self, riding a sports car and sprinting through the highways of wilderness. His fantasies are going on in his mind at the same time, but in the end, he ends up back to his real self, stuck in a rainy city traffic in a dorky car. I think we're all heavily influenced by the movies and TV shows we watched as kids. There was a time when a very strong image of North America was spread by big TV logos, early 80's sports cars, and stunt movies like "Cannonball" and "The Great Stuntman". There's a very analog but synthesized music that goes along with the "5000km" image, or the Pontiac Firebird, or the image of the Trans Am racing through the wilderness. I wanted to get close to that sound. So this song is a statement of agreement with Glenn A. Larson and Lorimar, who were involved in the production of the TV show at the time.}} |
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â | {{question|This time, there is also the title "[[Dayvan Cowboy]". This "Day van" is also a car, isn't it?}} | + | {{question|This time, there is also the title "[[Dayvan Cowboy]]". This "Day van" is also a car, isn't it?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: This song has a special story. It's a surfer's story, he thinks he's a hero. He has a very personal illusion. The illusion is that you go out into the wilderness, do various radical things, and go on a trip like that, where you stay in a van that you have customized yourself, but this bread is like Davan. It's called an astrovan, and it was a popular vehicle for traveling to North America in the late 70's and early 80's. For us, Davan is a virtue of the television and road movies of the time, with vibratoed synthesizer-heavy theme songs. Also, the graphics on the customized Davan body are an inspiration for us, reminiscent of the positive side of the so-called "Americana". I have the image of traveling and adventuring while interacting with nature. When we're writing songs, we often feel like we're making a soundtrack for someone's road trip. This time I felt like I was making an anthem to praise Davan.}} | + | {{boc|MI: There's a special story in this song. It's about a surfer who thinks he's a hero. He has a very personal fantasy. This fantasy is about going out into the wilderness, doing extreme things, and staying overnight in a van that he customizes. The van was called a day van or astrovan, and it was a common vehicle used to travel around North America in the late 70s and early 80s. To us, Day vans are like the art of TV and road movies of the time, with their vibrato-drenched, synthesizer-heavy theme songs. The graphics on the body of the customized Day van are also an inspiration to us and remind us of the positive side of so-called "Americana". It's about being in touch with nature, traveling, and adventure. When we're writing songs, we often feel like we're soundtracking someone's road trip. This time we felt like we were making an anthem to honor Day van.}} |
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â | {{question|The album has titles such as "[[Into the Rainbow Vein]]", "[[Peacock Tail]]", "[Atraronchronon]" (= the name of the Iroquois country, which is an indigenous people of North America, meaning" people in the swamps "), and "[Tears From the Compound Eye]]" Contains songs. The place where these psychedelic keywords with nature and living things as motifs are mixed with fantastic electronic sounds and guitar sounds is exactly the "world of BOC". That's why the title with a car motif seemed surprising. Don't you love nature and the reasonable way of life that follows it? Still, I don't think I've fallen into mere "nature worship" or "nature admiration."}} | + | {{question|The album has titles such as "[[Into the Rainbow Vein]]", "[[Peacock Tail]]", "[[Ataronchronon]]" (the name of the Iroquois country, which is an indigenous people of North America, meaning "People in the swamps"), and "[[Tears from the Compound Eye]]". The place where these psychedelic keywords with nature and living things as motifs are mixed with fantastic electronic sounds and guitar sounds is exactly the "world of BOC". That's why the title with a car motif seemed surprising. Don't you love nature and the reasonable way of life that follows it? Still, I don't think I've fallen into mere "nature worship" or "nature admiration". }} |
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â | {{boc|MA: I'm sure we're not making music to worship nature. It's true that we are influenced by nature, but that's just one factor. Music journalists often describe our work as being naturalistic, but that's our instinctive taste, and keep it in mind when writing songs. It's not like that. We get song inspiration and title ideas from different places and ideas. So, in our affairs, songs inspired by nature are exactly the same as songs inspired by cars and certain times. However, there is no difference in the process, just because the morals were inspired by different things. This album has the atmosphere of exploring, traveling, traveling by car, and getting lost in a surreal world where you can't understand what's going on along the way. .. It's a world that's unfolding in a completely unclear state, whether it's an actual journey or a fantasy journey that you envision in your head. And that world is set in a golden age when we tribute, places like North America and Canada in beautiful times that we personally remember, and times when things were simpler and happier than they are now. I'm here.}} | + | {{boc|MA: We certainly don't make music to worship nature, that's for sure. It's true that we are influenced by nature, but that's just one element. Music journalists often describe our work as being steeped in naturalism, but that's an instinctive preference of ours, not something we have in mind when we're writing. We get our song inspirations and title ideas from many places and ideas. So, in our minds, a song inspired by nature, a song inspired by cars, or a song inspired by a certain time period are all the same thing. It's just that they are inspired by different things, and there is no difference in the process. The album has a vibe of exploring, traveling, taking a car trip, and getting lost in a surreal world where you don't understand what's going on during the journey. It's a world that unfolds in a state of complete confusion as to whether it's a real journey or an imaginary one that you're imagining in your head. And that world is set in the golden age that we're paying tribute to, a beautiful time that we personally remember, in North America and Canada, when things were simpler and happier than they are now.}} |
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â | {{question|Then, "Is" color "in Maa of "[[Slow This Bird Down]]" a metaphor?}} | + | {{question|So is the color in "[[Slow This Bird Down]]" a metaphor for something else?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: The title has two meanings. This is part of another fantasy journey that goes on in the journey that the album brings. In a superficial sense, this title is a word that pilots on small planes might say. It feels like the pilot has found a place to land and is giving instructions like, "There, let's loosen the speed of this small aircraft (This Bird) and land." But what I really wanted to convey is that this world is currently in a very terrible and deadlocked state. I think that's true politically, technically, and environmentally. That's why the title This Bird really refers to this world.}} | + | {{boc|MI: The title has a double meaning. It's part of another fantasy journey that is going on in the journey that the album brings. In a superficial sense, the title sounds like something a pilot in a small plane would say. It's like a pilot finding a place to land and saying, "Okay, I'm going to loosen the speed of this small aircraft (This Bird) and land". But the meaning I really wanted to convey was that this world is in a very bad and dead-end state right now. This is true politically, technologically, and environmentally. So the title "This Bird" is really referring to this world.}} |
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â | {{question|The title of the last song is "[[Farewell Fire]]". There is a word "okuribi" in Japanese. "The last night of Obon, the fire that burns to send the love of our ancestors that we have been hospitable to." While listening to this song, the scene of such "okuribi" may come to my mind. What do you think about it? How did this song come about?}} | + | {{question|The title of the last song is "[[Farewell Fire]]". In Japanese, there is a word called "okuribi" (farewell fire), which means "a fire burned on the last night of the Obon Festival to send off the love of the ancestors who have been so hospitable". As I listen to this song, I can't help but think of the scene of "okuribi". What do you think about that? How did you come up with this song?}} |
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â | {{boc|MA: That interpretation is good. For me, this song is a very sad song. But it doesn't mean anything concrete. It's like music that marks the end of something. It has a very lively and emotional end. Some of the songs on this album are well organized after a lot of work, including composition and sound process. But "[[Farewel Fire]" is different. This song was recorded live and I was trying to do it because it was midnight. In the United States, burning in the open is called "Farewell Fire". So it could be said that "[[Farewell Fire]]" is our own okuribi. Because this song was a song to send out the music that was created up to the present day.}} | + | {{boc|MA: I like that interpretation. For me, it's a very sad song. But it doesn't mean anything specific. It's a kind of music that represents the end of something. It's a very powerful and emotional ending. Some of the songs on the album are well composed, having gone through a lot of work in the writing and sound process. However, "[[Farewell Fire]]" is different. It was recorded live, and it was late at night, so I was a bit woozy. In the United States, burning in the open is called "farewell fire".. So you could say that "[[Farewell Fire]]" is our own okuribi. Because this song was a send off for the music that has been made up to this day.}} |
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â | {{question|From "[[Farewell Fire]]", the album title is only ''[[The Campfire Headphase]]'', and literally "Flame of the farewell of the last night of the camp" comes to mind. What made you decide to use the word "campfire" in the album title this time (I think it's similar to BOC music, which connects to the night in the wilderness)?}} | + | {{question|From "[[Farewell Fire]]", the album title is ''[[The Campfire Headphase]]'', which literally means "the farewell fire on the last night of camping". What made you decide to use the word "campfire" in the title of the album (which is connected to the night in the wilderness, which I think is very appropriate for BOC's music)?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: We see this album as a travel soundtrack. It can be a real trip or a fictitious trip. At the beginning of the album, there is a scene as if someone goes on a trip. And along the way, there are some sights and adventures, and the highlight of the trip is the summer campfire. This long journey may actually be just a few minutes ago in someone's mind surrounding the campfire. This campfire exists to remind you of those ideas. This is close to the theory that there is distortion in time, and the definition of time becomes vague in that world. It's a vague ambiguity between the real-life experience of a trip, the feeling of leaving the city and becoming wild, and the journey in your head, between the real and imaginary worlds.}} | + | {{boc|MI: We see this album as a soundtrack to a journey. It can be a real journey or an imaginary journey. At the beginning of the album, there is a scene as if someone is going on a trip. There are some sights and adventures along the way, and the highlight of the journey is the summer campfire. This long journey may actually be a journey that took place just a few minutes ago in the mind of someone sitting around a campfire. This campfire is there to remind us of those ideas. This is similar to the theory that time is distorted, and in that world, the definition of time becomes fuzzy. It's a hazy, fuzzy thing between the real world of travel and the imaginary world of travel in my head, and the real experience of real travel and the feeling of being wild and out of the city.}} |
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â | {{question|It's also very interesting that some suspicious word "headphase" sticks to it. By the way, in Japan, it is customary to go to camp as a school event when you are in elementary school or junior high school, and there are many people who experience campfire only at that time in their lifetime. Even if it isn't, I'll just go on vacation for high school and college students ... I was the same. From the phrase "The Campfire Headphase," I said, "A boy who experienced a few campfires- a state where his head was caught in the summer of adolescence" or "while being illuminated by the campfire (liquor). I think of a state in which my head is blown away (because of some other influence). How about this kind of interpretation?}} | + | {{question|It's also very interesting that some suspicious word "headphase" sticks to it. In Japan, it is customary to go camping as a school event when you are in elementary or junior high school, and there are many people who experience campfire only at that time in their lifetime. Many people only experience campfires at that time in their lives, and even if they don't, they go during vacations of high school and college students. I was one of them. As such, the phrase "The Campfire Headphase" reminds me of the state of being "trapped in my head during the summers of my youth and adolescence, when I experienced the few campfires I had", or "having my head blown off while being illuminated by the campfire (due to the influence of alcohol or something else)". This is what I think of. How about this kind of interpretation?}} |
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â | {{boc|MA: Yeah, I think it's a very good interpretation. We used to campfire when we were kids. There was a mysterious atmosphere in such an event. But even now that I'm an adult, I think I'm still influenced by that kind of mystery. You get drunk and lie down with a stone pillow beside the campfire. However, my head was extremely clear, and only my brain popped out of my actual head, and I got into an old sports car with rust and went out for a few weeks drive. This album is trying to express that feeling.}} | + | {{boc|MA: Yes, I think that's a very good interpretation. We used to have campfires when we were kids. There was a mysterious atmosphere to such events. But now that we're adults, we can still be influenced by these strange things. You're drunk and you're lying on a rock pillow by the campfire, but your mind is so clear that your brain just pops out of your actual head and you get into your rusty old sports car and go on a road trip for a few weeks. That's the feeling I'm trying to capture with this album.}} |
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â | {{question|By the way, during the interview with this magazine when the previous work was released, there was a statement that "I sympathize with the fundamental ethics of the psychedelic movement of the 1960s." On the other hand, there was a comment that "flower power was created by the media as fashion." I think your music inherits the "freedom" of the original music and expressions of the time. What do you think of this view?}} | + | {{question|By the way, when we interviewed you for this magazine at the time of the release of your last album, you said that you sympathized with the fundamental ethics of the psychedelic movement of the 60s. On the other hand, there was a statement that "flower power is something that the media created as a fashion statement". It seems to me that your music has inherited the "freedom" of the original music and expression of the time. What do you think about this kind of view?}} |
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â | {{boc|MA: The idea of ââfreedom at that time was extremely exciting. You abandoned the custom and did something experimental. It went beyond drugs to music and art, and even to so-called consciousness reform. Some of the artists and bands of the time were very loyal to the concept, pushing up the possibilities of music and art. But at the same time, there were clearly companies and people trying to take advantage of the psychedelic and hippie epidemics commercially. They turned that fad into a commercial tool and tried to profit from it. In the end, those movements lost the spirit of freedom that the fashion brought about, and the world of free creation. I always think I shouldn't forget what the real artists at the time did, their reaction to the restrictions, their reaction to the restricted culture and society. So I believe I can be like them today. You don't have to dress like them, though. You don't even have to look like The Monkees. But I think we can understand the alternative culture of the 1960s and get rid of this boring and boring coziness and recreate the movement of the time.}} | + | {{boc|MA: |
| + | The idea of freedom at that time is very exciting. They threw away the conventions of the past and did experimental things. It went beyond drugs to music, art, and even consciousness-raising. Some of the artists and bands at the time were very loyal to the concept, pushing up the possibilities of music and art. But at the same time, there were companies and people who clearly wanted to exploit the psychedelic and hippie fads for commercial purposes. They tried to turn the fad into a business tool and profit from it. In the end, the spirit of freedom and the free world of creativity that the fad brought with it was lost. I always think that we should remember what the real artists of that time did, their reaction to being restricted, their reaction to a restricted culture and society. So I believe that we can be like them today. You don't have to dress like them, though. You don't have to dress like them, but you don't have to dress like the Monkees either. But I do believe that we can understand the alternative culture of the 60's and leave this boring, dull comfort behind and create another movement like that.}} |
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â | {{question|Do you have any plans for live performances in the near future?}} | + | {{question|Do you have any plans to perform live in the near future?}} |
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â | {{boc|MA: I'm just adjusting the upcoming live schedule. Perhaps next year, I'll be playing live again.}} | + | {{boc|MA: We're just working out the schedule for future shows. Probably next year we'll start playing live again.}} |
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â | {{question|This is the last question. Did you let Mike's daughter hear the new sound? What reaction did she have if she listened?}} | + | {{question|Last question. Have you let your daughter listen to the new album? If you did, how did she react to it?}} |
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â | {{boc|MI: She seems to like her too. She used to come to the studio when she was writing the song, but when she was recording "[[Peacock Tail]]", she often moved around and didn't stay still. .. So her favorite song is "[[Peacock Tail]]".}} | + | {{boc|MI: |
| + | She seems to like it. She used to come to the studio when we were writing songs, and when we were recording "[[Peacock Tail]]", she often moved around and didn't stay still... So her favorite song is "[[Peacock Tail]]".}} |
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â | == Original text (Japanese) ==
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â | {{question|ăăźăşăŞăăťăŤăăďźäťĽä¸BOCďźăŽăăĽăźăťă˘ăŤăă ăăśăťăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăăăăă§ă¤ăşăăă¤ăăŤăŞăŞăźăšăăăžăăăăç´ ć´ăăăä˝ĺă ă¨ćăăžăăăžăăŻĺ¤§éćăŞććłăăäźăăăžăăĺä˝ăŤćŻăšăăăćĺłă¨ăŚăăăăă§ăĺăăŚăŽăŞăšăăźăŤăĺ
ĽăŁăŚăăăăă犺éăăăăĺ¤ăăăä˝ĺă ă¨ćăăžăăăăăăŚăăăăžă§ăŽä˝ĺă¨ĺăăăăŤăăžăă§ä¸çˇ¨ăŽć çťă茳ăŚăăăăăŞćčŚăĺłăăăăŽă§ăăăăăŽć çťăŻăăăâä¸čŹç㪠"ä˝ĺă¨ăŞăŁăŚăăăăăŞć°ăăăžăăăăăăă§ăăăďźăăźăŤăšăťă¤ăŞăł}}
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â | {{boc|ďźäťĽä¸MAďźďźă¤ăłăšăăĽăŤăĄăłăżăŤăăłăă¨ăăŚăăŹăłăźăăä˝ăă¨ăăŻăă¤ăć
ăć çťăŽăľăŚăłăăăŠăăŻăä˝ăăăăŞă˘ăăăźăă§č¨ăă§ăăă䝼ĺăŽă˘ăŤăă ăăăĽăźă¸ăăŻăăşăśăŠă¤ăăťăăĽăăŤăăŹăłăăŻăĺ¤ăăŽäşşăŤă¨ăŁăŚăĺăăŚäżşéăŽéłćĽ˝ăçĽăŁăă˘ăŤăă ă ăŁăă¨ćăăăăăŻăăăĽăĄăłăżăŞăźăĺĽćŞăŞă˘ăăĄăźăˇă§ăłăŽăăăŽăľăŚăłăăăŠăăŻăŽăăăŞă˘ăŤăă ă ăŁăăĺä˝ăŽăă¸ăŞăŹăăŁăăŻĺšžä˝ĺŚçă§éćććçă§ăăăźăŻăŞä˝é¨ăä˝ă罪桹ăčĄçşă¨ăăŁăăăăŞă¤ăĄăźă¸ăćąăăŞăăĺśä˝ăăăă ăăăăŚăăŽăăśăťăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăăăăă§ă¤ăşăăŤăŞăăă ăăŠăăăăŻăľă¤ăąăăŞăăŻăŞçŠşćłăŽä¸çă§çš°ăĺşăăăăăăźăăťă ăźăăźăŽăăăŽĺąĺ¤ç¨ăŽă˘ăŚăăă˘ăľăŚăłăăăŠăăŻă¨ăăă˘ăăăźăă§ä˝ăŁăăă ăăăăŻăăľăłăăŤăŽç´°ăăăăŁăăźăŤăŤăă ăăăŽă§ăŻăŞăăŚăăăŁă¨ăă¸ăăŁă´ă§ăˇăłăăŤăŞăĄăăăŁéčŚăŽéłćĽ˝ăä˝ăăă¨ăă芌ăżă ăŁăăă ă}}
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â | {{question|ăă ăĺä˝ăŽăŞăŞăźăšăă3嚴䝼ä¸ăŽćłćăăăŁăŚăăžăăăăăŽéăăăă¤ăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăŻăźăŻăé¤ăă°ăBOCăŽć
ĺ ąăăăžăäźăăŁăŚăăžăăă§ăăăăăŽ3ĺš´éăăŠăŽăăăŤéăăăăăŽă§ăăďźäžăă°ăŠăăă¸ć
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â | {{boc|MAďźăă¸ăŞăŹăăŁăăé˛ăçľăăĺžăăăă¤ăĺé˛ăăŞăăŁăć˛ăćŽăŁăŚăăăă ăă ăăăăăăŤăžăć°ăăă˘ăŤăă ăä˝ăăă¨ăă§ăăăă ăăăŞăŁăŚăäżşéčŞčşŤăŻćăŁăŚăăăă ăăăŠăäżşéăľăăă¨ăć°ăăăšăżă¸ăŞăć˘ăăŞăăĄăăŞăăŞăăŚăçľĺąăšăżă¸ăŞăć˘ăăŚăăăăŤč˝ăĄçăăžă§ă丸1ĺš´ăăăŁăŚăăžăŁăăă ăăăă§ăăă¸ăŞăŹăăŁăăŽă¨ăăŤćŽăăć˛ăăĺ§ăăăă¨ăăăă ăăŠăćéăçľéăăŚăäżşéăŽčśŁĺă秝ăĺ¤ăăŁăŚăăăă¨ăŤć°äťăăăă ăă ăăăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ăŻăžăŁăăć°ăăăźăăăăŽçść
ă§ĺ§ăăăă¨ăŤăăăă ăăă¤ăŻăŻăăĽăźă¸ăźăŠăłăă§éˇăćéăéăăăŚăăăăăăăăă˘ăŤăă ăŽĺśä˝ăé
ăăççąăŽă˛ă¨ă¤ă¨ăăŚćăăăăăăäżşéăŻăBOCă¨ăăăšă¤ăăăăŞăăŤăăŚăčŞçąăŤăŞăă¨ăăăă¨ăĺŽčĄăăăă ă365ćĽăšăżă¸ăŞăŤăăŞăă¨ăăăŞăăŁăŚăăăăăŞćăčžźăżăăčŞăă解ćžăăŚăć
čĄăăăăĺéşăăăăčŞçąăŤčĄĺăăăă ăăăăŻăă˘ăŤăă ăŽăŞăŞăźăšééă犺ăăŚăăžăŁăççąăŽă˛ă¨ă¤ăŞăă ăăŠăäťăŤăäżşéăéłćĽ˝ăä˝ăăŤăăăŁăŚăăľăŚăłăă質ćăĺşăăăăŤăăăŽăăă业忾ăŤăŹăłăźăăä˝ăčžźăă§ăăăăăäťăŽăăłăăŤćŻăšăŚăéłăĺŽćăăăăŽăŤćéăăăăă¨ăăăă¨ăăăă¨ćăăă}}
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â | {{question|ăăŽ3ĺš´éă§ćăĺ°čąĄăŤćŽăŁăĺşćĽäşăŻďźăŠăŽăăăŞĺ˝˘ă§ć°ä˝ăŤĺć ăăăŚăăă¨ćăăžăă}}
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â | {{boc|MAďźăăŠăłăšăŽă˘ăŤăăšă§äşć
ăŤéăŁăăă ăăŠăăăăŻäżşăŤă¨ăŁăŚăă¸ăăŁă´ăŞĺšćăăăăăăŚăăăăăăŽäşć
ăŽăăăă§ăćĽăŤćťă¨ăăăăŽăŽĺĺ¨ăćăăăăăŤăŞăŁăŚăBOCăŽć´ťĺăŽăŹăăŤăăăăŤéŤăăŚăăŁă¨ă§ăăă ăĺ¤ăăŽä˝ĺăăăŽä¸ăŤćŽăăŚăăăăă¨ăăć°ćăĄăŤăăăŚăăăăă ăäżşăŽç§çć´ťăăăăŚBOCăŽć´ťĺăéăăŚăăăăăă¤ăăŽăă¨ăäżşăŽć°ćăĄăč˝ăĄčžźăžăăŚăăăă ăăŠăăăŽäşć
Ľăç´ăăŚăBOCăŽäťäşăŤĺăçľăăăăăŤăŞăŁăăă ă}}
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â | {{question|čłćăŤăăă°2004ĺš´ăŽĺ¤ăŤăă¤ăŻăăăŤăĺăăăçăžăăăăă§ăăăăăă§ă¨ăăăăăžăďźăĺăăăŻăĺ
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â | {{boc|ďźäťĽä¸MIďźďźćéŁăăĺ¨ăŻĺ
ć°ă ăă彟弳ăŽčŞçăŤăăŁăŚă2004ĺš´ăŻäżşăŽäşşçă§ćéŤăŽĺš´ăŤăŞăŁăăă¨ăŻééăăŞăăă彟弳ăŻĺŽéăŤć°ăŤćéăăĄăăăŠäżşéăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ăŽăŹăłăźăăŁăłă°ăŽäťä¸ăăăăŚăăé ăăšăżă¸ăŞăŤă¨ăăŠăéĄăčŚăăŚăăăăă ă彟弳ăŻéłćĽ˝ă弽ăăżăăă§ăčŞĺăŽĺĽ˝ăăŞéłćĽ˝ăŤĺĺżăăŚăăăŽăčŚăăŽăăäżşéăŽćĽ˝ăăżă ăŁăăăăăăăăă彟弳ăŻäťĺăŽă˘ăŤăă ăŽé¸ć˛ăŤĺ˝ąéżăä¸ăăŚăăăăăăăŞăă}}
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â | {{question|â ă¨ăăă§ăăăŽ3ĺš´éăŤăŻăŠăŚăăăă¨ăăźă ăťăăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăćăăăŚăăžăăă}}
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â | {{boc|MIďźă˘ăłăăłăłăŽă˘ăźăăŁăšăă¨ăŻăĺŽéăŤćăăčŻăĺéă ăŁăăă ăăăă§ăăă¤ăăłăŠăăŹăźăˇă§ăłă ă¨ăăăŞăăăŻăšăŞăăăŽčŠąăăăŚăăă ăă ăăăăŻăŠăŚăăăăăăźă ăťăăăăăăŞăăăŻăšăŽäžé źăĺăăă¨ăăŻă迡ăăă¨ăŞăç°ĄĺăŤăăăăăŁăŚçăăăă¨ăă§ăăăă ă彟ăăăăăăăŁă¨ăăă°ăŞă˘ăźăăŁăšăăŤăăăăŻăšăäžé źăăăăă¨ăăăăăŠăăăăžă§ăăŁă¨ćăçśăăŚăăăă ăäżşéăŻčŞĺăŽč¸čĄăŤĺŻžăăŚćŁç´ă§ăăăăăä¸çŞéŤăéăçŠăă§ăăăäşşăŤäżşéăŽć˛ă売ăăă¨ăŻćăăŞăăă ăăăŽçšăăŻăŠăŚăăăăăăźă ăťăăăăä˝ăŁăéłćĽ˝ăŻĺ¤§ĺĽ˝ăă ăŁăăăŻăŠăŚăăăăăăĺĺ¨ăăŞăăŁăŚăăăă¨ăŻăăĄăăŁă¨ćŽĺżľă ăăŠă彟ăăçŻăăŚăăăăŽăŻăăăťăŠé˘¨ĺăăŚăăŞăăăăăăă ăă§ăäżşăŻăăăăă¨ćăăăăăăŻĺ
ŹĺźăŞĺĽç´ă§ăŻăŞăăă ăăŠăăźăşăťăŻăłă¨ăŞăăăăşăă ăăäżşéăŽć˛ăăăżă¨ăăŚăŞăăăŻăšăăăŁăŚč¨ăŁăŚăăăăäťăŻăă¤ăŽćĽăäżşăŽćĺ
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â | {{question|ä¸ă§ăăŻăŠăŚăăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăŻä¸ćăăźăăŤăşăăăăăćă辡ăăăăăăăŞăľăŚăłăăŤäťä¸ăăŁăŚăăŚé常ăŤé˘ç˝ăăŁăă§ăăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăćăăăéăŤćăĺżăăăăă¨ăŻä˝ă§ăăďź}}
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â | {{boc|MAďźăŻăŠăŚăăăăăăăŞăăăŻăšăăăăăŤĺşćĽăăŚăŽć˛ăĺăĺăŁăăă ăăŠă誰ăäşćłă§ăăŞăăăăŞă˘ăłă°ăŤă§ćăăä˝ĺăŤăăăă¨ćăŁăăă ăĺ¤ăăŽäşşăŻäżşéăăŞăăăŻăšăăăŁăă¨čăăăăăľăłăăŤăĺ¤ç¨ăăăăă¨ăŹăŻăăăăŻăšăé§ä˝żăăă´ăĄăźă¸ă§ăłăŽć˛ăä˝ăă ăăă¨äşćłăăă¨ćăăă ăăăăćĽăăŻăŠăŚăăăăă渥ăăăć˛ăŽă´ăŠăźăŤăŤăăźăăăăă¤ăŻăăăăŁăŚăăăă ăăăă§ć°äťăăăă ăăŠăăăźăăŤăşăŤäťŁčĄ¨ăăăăăăăăăłăźăé˛čĄăăăŽć˛ăŤăăăżăŞă¨ăăăŁăăă ăăăŽă˘ăŹăłă¸ăć˛ĺ
¨ä˝ă§ăăŁăăăăăăé˘ç˝ăă ăăăŞăŁăŚćăŁăŚăăäżşăŻĺ¤ăăŽăăłăšăăźăăăŽăăă ăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăŤéŁ˝ă飽ăăăŚăăăă ăă ăăăäżşéăŻĺ¤§ćľă´ăŠăźăŤăŤăŽé¨ĺă ăăć˝ĺşăăŚăć˛ăć°ăăŤäťăç´ăă¨ăăä˝ćĽăăăăă ăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšä˝ćĽăŻăăă漽ăăăŁăăă ăŁăŚăäżşăŻăăăăăŽçŻăŤăŠăă ăé˘ç˝ăăçŞćĺăăŞăăľă¤ăąăăŞăăŻăŞăľăŚăłăăäťăčśłăăăăŁăŚćčéŻčޤăăăăăăăăŠăäżşéăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšă§ăăźăăŤăşăŽéłăăľăłăăŞăłă°ăăăŁăŚć¸ăăŚăăéčŞăčŞăă ă¨ăăŻăăĄăăŁă¨ĺ°ćăăĄăăŁăăăă ăŁăŚăăăŽăŞăăăŻăšăŽéłăŻăăăšăŚäżşéăçĄăŽçść
ăăä˝ăä¸ăăéłă ăŁăăăć˛čŞä˝ăă¨ăŹăŻăăŞăăŻăŠă¤ăăŞăźăąăšăăŠďźäťĽä¸ELOďźăŽăăć˛ăŤćŹćă襨ăăăăŽă ăŁăăă ăăăŠăăăăăăăELOăŻă彟ăăŽć˛ă§ăăźăăŤăşăŤćŹćă襨ăăŚăăăŽăăăăăŞăăăăä˝ă¨ăč¨ăăŞăăă ăăŠăă}}
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â | {{question|ă§ăŻăăăăăăăĽăźă˘ăŤăă ăŤă¤ăăŚăĺ
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ăă¨ăăćďźăăTears From The Compound EyeăăŞăŠă¨ăăŁăăżă¤ăăŤăŽć˛ăĺ
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â | {{boc|MIďźăżă¤ăăŤăŤăľăă¤ăŽćĺłăćăăăŚăăăă ăăăăŻăă˘ăŤăă ăăăăăć
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â | {{question|ăŠăšăć˛ăŽăżă¤ăăŤăŻăFarewell Fireăă§ăăăćĽćŹčŞăŤăŻăéăçŤăă¨ăăč¨čăăăăžăăăăçăŽćĺžăŽćĽăŽĺ¤ăäťăžă§ăăŚăŞăăŚăăçĽĺ
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â | {{boc|MIďźäżşéăŻăăăŽă˘ăŤăă ăć
ă§ăăăăă ăă˘ăŤăă ăŽĺé ă§ăăăăă誰ăăć
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ăă ćă澎ăăšăžăăăăăăŁă解éăŻăăăă§ăăăďź}}
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čŚăŻăŞăăăŠăăăśăťă˘ăłăăźăşăżăăăŞć źć źĺĽ˝ăăăĺż
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â | {{question|äťĺžčżăăăĄăŤăŠă¤ă´ăăăŠăźăăłăšăčĄăŞăäşĺŽăŻăăăžăăďź}}
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â | {{boc|MAďźăĄăăăŠäťĺžăŽăŠă¤ă´ăŽäşĺŽăŤă¤ăăŚčŞżć´ăăŚăăă¨ăăă ăăăăăăăćĽĺš´ăŤăŻăăžăăŠă¤ă´ăăăăăăŤăŞăăăăăŞăăŽăăŞă}}
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â | {{question|ćĺžăŽčłŞĺă§ăăăă¤ăŻăăăŽĺ¨ăăăŤăŻć°ä˝ăŽéłăč´ăăăžăăăďźăăč´ăăăŚăăăă彟弳ăŻăŠăăŞĺĺżă示ăăžăăăďź}}
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â | {{boc|MIďźĺ˝źĺĽłăć°ăŤĺ
ĽăŁăŚăăăŚăăăżăăă ăăć˛ăć¸ăä¸ăăŚăăé ăŤă彟弳ăăšăżă¸ăŞăŤćĽăŚăăăăăă ăăŠăăPeacock TailăăăŹăłăźăăŁăłă°ăăŚăăă¨ăăŞăăŚă彟弳ăŻăăăăĄăăĄĺăĺăŁăŚăăăŁă¨ăăŚăăŞăăŁăăă ăă ăăă彟弳ăŽăć°ăŤĺ
ĽăăŽć˛ăŻăPeacock Tailăă ăă}}
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| [[Category:The Campfire Headphase era]] | | [[Category:The Campfire Headphase era]] |
ăăźăşăŞăăťăŤăăďźäťĽä¸BOCďźăŽăăĽăźăťă˘ăŤăă ăăśăťăăŁăłăăăĄă¤ă¤ăźăăăăă§ă¤ăşăăă¤ăăŤăŞăŞăźăšăăăžăăăăç´ ć´ăăăä˝ĺă ă¨ćăăžăăăžăăŻĺ¤§éćăŞććłăăäźăăăžăăĺä˝ăŤćŻăšăăăćĺłă¨ăŚăăăăă§ăĺăăŚăŽăŞăšăăźăŤăĺ
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ĽăăŽć˛ăŻăPeacock Tailăă ăă
However, it's been more than three years since the release of your last album. During that time, apart from some remix work, not much information about BOC has been conveyed to us. How did you spend your time during these three years? For example, did you go on any trips?
What has been the most memorable event of the past three years? In what ways do you think they are reflected in the new album?
MA: I had an accident in the French Alps, which had a positive effect on me. Thanks to that accident, I suddenly felt the presence of death, which made me want to raise the level of BOC activities and leave as much work as possible in this world. Some things in my personal life and in BOC's work had been depressing me, but the accident has allowed me to work on BOC with a fresh mind and a renewed spirit.
According to the materials, Mike had a child in the summer of 2004. Congratulations! How are your children?
By the way, you've done remixes for Clouddead and Boom Bip in the last three years.
MI: I've actually been good friends with the Anticon artists for a long time. So we were always talking about collaborations and remixes. So when Clouddead or Boom Bip asked me to do a remix, it was easy for me to say yes without hesitation. I've been asked to do remixes for much bigger artists than them, but I've always turned them down. We like to be honest about our art and don't want to sell our songs to the highest bidder. In that respect, we loved the music that Clouddead and Boom Bip made. It's a bit of a shame that Clouddead doesn't exist anymore, but what they built hasn't faded away that much. I'm glad for that. This isn't an official deal, but Doseone and Odd Nosdam have said they'll be remixing some of our songs as material, so now I'm praying for a check to come my way someday (laughs).
The remix of "Clouddead" was particularly interesting because it reminded me of the mid-period Beatles themselves. What was the most important thing you kept in mind when working on this remix?
MA: I received a song from Clouddead that was just made for remixing, but we wanted to capture it from an angle that no one would expect. A lot of people, when they hear that we've done a remix, they expect us to do a version with a lot of samples and electronics. One day, Mike was tweaking the vocals on a song that Clouddead had given him, and I realized that a common chord progression, typical of the Beatles, would work perfectly for this song. I thought it would be really interesting to do this arrangement for the whole song. I was tired of a lot of remixes that just put a dance beat on it. So we'd usually just take the vocals and rework the song. I really enjoyed that remixing process. I had a lot of fun doing that remix, because I was trying to figure out how many interesting, outlandish psychedelic sounds I could add to each verse. But when I read in a magazine that we sampled the Beatles' sound for that remix, I was a little confused, because the sound of that remix was all something we made up out of thin air, and the song itself was a tribute to a song by Electric Light Orchestra. But maybe ELO was paying homage to the Beatles with their songs, I can't say.
In the past, I had the impression that your sound was shrouded in a mysterious "fog". This time, however, it seems to have cleared up and each sound can be heard clearly. Was this intentional?
Also, maybe it's because the "sound has become more positive," but the beat sounds very much like the early rhythm boxes you could hear in the late 70s and early 80s.
MA: I've always been into early 80's electro. I've always been into early 80's electro, like Herbie Hancock, Chaka Khan, and the beatific sounds of Break Machine. I've also been influenced by funk records and the rhythms of Earth, Wind and Fire songs. The sounds you hear on the album are things that we actually played ourselves. For example, the hand claps, and Mike plays the drums. I don't just sample other people's beats, I like to actually examine how they came up with them. So I'll add those techniques and styles to a new album. It's really hard to improve yourself, but it's better than stealing a tree from someone else's garden.
This may also be due to the "positive sound," but the overall natural tone of the guitar is very impressive. Come to think of it, the guitar was also featured heavily in the aforementioned Boom Bip remix. Why did that happen?
MI: We've always made music that features guitars, and I think people would be surprised to know what kind of music we make in our extracurricular activities outside of BOC. Before BOC, we both played in rock bands with drums, lead guitar and bass. On past BOC records, you can hear some sampled guitars, but they're so heavily modified that you don't even know they're guitars. But this time we wanted to keep the overall image of the music simple, so we decided not to hide the guitar sound. But it's not that we suddenly wanted to make a rock and roll album. This time I tried to get that unique guitar sound that you would hear in a late 70's movie soundtrack. It's not the kind of thing you hear in rock music, it's more like Joni Mitchell or John Abercrombie or Zabriskie Point guitar. I'm still working with those elements in a synthetic way. We sample our own guitar sounds and try to give them a twist, change the pitch, layer filters, or remove them.
MI: Yes, we do. Of course, we play them all ourselves. We listen to a lot of different guitar music.
This may be a bit unusual for a BOC question, but who are your guitarist influences?
MI: For me, one day I'm listening to the Velvet Underground, and the next day I'm listening to the Misfits. I wanted it to sound dry and outdoorsy this time. A little psychedelic guitar style. I wanted to create a sound that symbolized freedom, that sound of The Doors or James Taylor.
There was a song on the album that I felt had something in common with the way the guitar and electronic sounds are fused in the tracks of Bibio, an artist who made his debut on Mush last year on the recommendation of Marcus. What do you think about his music?
MA: I'm probably influenced by Bibio. But there is also the fact that the music he listens to is similar to the music we listen to. I know that Stephen from Bibio was initially influenced by our music, and I think this is probably a great two-way synergy. I listen to his music about 8 times more than most people listen to his music, and he really is a musical genius. 95% of his music is really great and fits my wavelength perfectly. There are very few artists who are always as musically brilliant as he is. He's very particular about the texture of his sound. He values sounds that are old, damaged, unfinished, and so on. I think if there is a song that surpasses the most beautiful song in the world, it's the one that is old, crumbling, soundless, but struggling to stay alive. Also, Stephen is an amazingly talented guitarist.
Are there any field-recorded sounds on this album other than instruments and electronic sounds? If so, what kind of sounds are they?
MI: This song is about a guy who is caught in a traffic jam in the middle of the city in bad weather. IIn the traffic, he envisions in his mind another fantasy self, riding a sports car and sprinting through the highways of wilderness. His fantasies are going on in his mind at the same time, but in the end, he ends up back to his real self, stuck in a rainy city traffic in a dorky car. I think we're all heavily influenced by the movies and TV shows we watched as kids. There was a time when a very strong image of North America was spread by big TV logos, early 80's sports cars, and stunt movies like "Cannonball" and "The Great Stuntman". There's a very analog but synthesized music that goes along with the "5000km" image, or the Pontiac Firebird, or the image of the Trans Am racing through the wilderness. I wanted to get close to that sound. So this song is a statement of agreement with Glenn A. Larson and Lorimar, who were involved in the production of the TV show at the time.
MI: There's a special story in this song. It's about a surfer who thinks he's a hero. He has a very personal fantasy. This fantasy is about going out into the wilderness, doing extreme things, and staying overnight in a van that he customizes. The van was called a day van or astrovan, and it was a common vehicle used to travel around North America in the late 70s and early 80s. To us, Day vans are like the art of TV and road movies of the time, with their vibrato-drenched, synthesizer-heavy theme songs. The graphics on the body of the customized Day van are also an inspiration to us and remind us of the positive side of so-called "Americana". It's about being in touch with nature, traveling, and adventure. When we're writing songs, we often feel like we're soundtracking someone's road trip. This time we felt like we were making an anthem to honor Day van.
MA: We certainly don't make music to worship nature, that's for sure. It's true that we are influenced by nature, but that's just one element. Music journalists often describe our work as being steeped in naturalism, but that's an instinctive preference of ours, not something we have in mind when we're writing. We get our song inspirations and title ideas from many places and ideas. So, in our minds, a song inspired by nature, a song inspired by cars, or a song inspired by a certain time period are all the same thing. It's just that they are inspired by different things, and there is no difference in the process. The album has a vibe of exploring, traveling, taking a car trip, and getting lost in a surreal world where you don't understand what's going on during the journey. It's a world that unfolds in a state of complete confusion as to whether it's a real journey or an imaginary one that you're imagining in your head. And that world is set in the golden age that we're paying tribute to, a beautiful time that we personally remember, in North America and Canada, when things were simpler and happier than they are now.
MI: The title has a double meaning. It's part of another fantasy journey that is going on in the journey that the album brings. In a superficial sense, the title sounds like something a pilot in a small plane would say. It's like a pilot finding a place to land and saying, "Okay, I'm going to loosen the speed of this small aircraft (This Bird) and land". But the meaning I really wanted to convey was that this world is in a very bad and dead-end state right now. This is true politically, technologically, and environmentally. So the title "This Bird" is really referring to this world.
MI: We see this album as a soundtrack to a journey. It can be a real journey or an imaginary journey. At the beginning of the album, there is a scene as if someone is going on a trip. There are some sights and adventures along the way, and the highlight of the journey is the summer campfire. This long journey may actually be a journey that took place just a few minutes ago in the mind of someone sitting around a campfire. This campfire is there to remind us of those ideas. This is similar to the theory that time is distorted, and in that world, the definition of time becomes fuzzy. It's a hazy, fuzzy thing between the real world of travel and the imaginary world of travel in my head, and the real experience of real travel and the feeling of being wild and out of the city.
It's also very interesting that some suspicious word "headphase" sticks to it. In Japan, it is customary to go camping as a school event when you are in elementary or junior high school, and there are many people who experience campfire only at that time in their lifetime. Many people only experience campfires at that time in their lives, and even if they don't, they go during vacations of high school and college students. I was one of them. As such, the phrase "The Campfire Headphase" reminds me of the state of being "trapped in my head during the summers of my youth and adolescence, when I experienced the few campfires I had", or "having my head blown off while being illuminated by the campfire (due to the influence of alcohol or something else)". This is what I think of. How about this kind of interpretation?
MA: Yes, I think that's a very good interpretation. We used to have campfires when we were kids. There was a mysterious atmosphere to such events. But now that we're adults, we can still be influenced by these strange things. You're drunk and you're lying on a rock pillow by the campfire, but your mind is so clear that your brain just pops out of your actual head and you get into your rusty old sports car and go on a road trip for a few weeks. That's the feeling I'm trying to capture with this album.
By the way, when we interviewed you for this magazine at the time of the release of your last album, you said that you sympathized with the fundamental ethics of the psychedelic movement of the 60s. On the other hand, there was a statement that "flower power is something that the media created as a fashion statement". It seems to me that your music has inherited the "freedom" of the original music and expression of the time. What do you think about this kind of view?
The idea of freedom at that time is very exciting. They threw away the conventions of the past and did experimental things. It went beyond drugs to music, art, and even consciousness-raising. Some of the artists and bands at the time were very loyal to the concept, pushing up the possibilities of music and art. But at the same time, there were companies and people who clearly wanted to exploit the psychedelic and hippie fads for commercial purposes. They tried to turn the fad into a business tool and profit from it. In the end, the spirit of freedom and the free world of creativity that the fad brought with it was lost. I always think that we should remember what the real artists of that time did, their reaction to being restricted, their reaction to a restricted culture and society. So I believe that we can be like them today. You don't have to dress like them, though. You don't have to dress like them, but you don't have to dress like the Monkees either. But I do believe that we can understand the alternative culture of the 60's and leave this boring, dull comfort behind and create another movement like that.
MA: We're just working out the schedule for future shows. Probably next year we'll start playing live again.
Last question. Have you let your daughter listen to the new album? If you did, how did she react to it?