Main vocal sample comes from "Zableyalo mi AgΕntse", as it appears on the compilation album Le MystΓ¨re des Voix Bulgares (1991)[9]. Marcus also references this compilation album in an interview.[10]
Vocal sample of David Bigham saying "I' Real Traditionalist myself of course, because of Orbison, and Holly, and The Fireballs and The String Along, and er, all the things that happen in the studio. I'm so glad to...take care and..."[11]
Contains a sample of a woman ordering at a drive-thru also used in "R35TT A06" [12]
What might be a recording from a native American ceremony, culled from the recordings Calling an Enemy's Arutam Soul (1973) and Song of Kundi, the Flute Bird (Flute Solo) (1973)[44][45]
A voice-over from the adult film A Brief Affair (1982), rerecorded, and with the words "listening to Boards of Canada" replacing "viewing an adult film."[54]
Dissonant tone and drum beat from Heart Beat, Pig Meat by Pink Floyd (1970)[55]
Beginning at :39, eerie choir samples from The Crucifixion, from the soundtrack to Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)[56]
At 4:51, a reversed interview with with Jeff Lynne of the Electric Light Orchestra on the subject of ELO's supposed use of backmasked vocals and the resulting controversy[57]
Beginning at 1:19, bird calls and a male singing voice from La FΓͺte Sauvage by Vangelis[58] plays intermittently.
Children laughing and the creaking of a porch swing
The phrase "Come out and live with a religious community in a beautiful place out in the country", quoted from Amo Bishop Roden, processed through a vocoder.[59]
An interview with Amo Bishop Roeden featuring the line "Although not a follower of David Koresh, she's a devoted Branch Davidian" (1969 (with "David Koresh" reversed); Same words occur in BoC remix of Poppy Seed by Slag Boom Van Loon
A vocoded voice, similar to the one heard counting in Aquarius, saying "1969 in the sunshine"
A spoken passage that seems to have been taken from a self-improvement-oriented self-hypnosis tape and which has been modified to sound as if it is being spoken underwater
Very slowly-spoken speech (words unknown) processed through a vocoder and harmonized at close intervals for a dissonant sound (not confirmed)
A vocoded voice singing: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Now in Spanish, then in French, we'll say that twice again". Sampled from the song Languages We Speak by Sarah Barchas[71]
A group singing "We love you all"
From the film Season of the Witch, a man: "I'll be gone about a week. Oh, by the way, I brought..."[72] forwards and reversed
From the song "Teddy Bear's Picnic": "If you go down to the woods today, you'd better not go alone!" (reversed)
A reversed excerpt of an interview with Tommy Silverstein on the A&E investigative report Behind Bars: Supermax[73]
"So, those prophecies you've been describing" ... "and now to business [matters?]..." (reversed)
A distorted voice repeating "It must be a musical computer!" sampled from Make a Joyful Noise!: introducing Colby![74]
A quote at 1:45 about FEMA camps from the documentary America Under Siege (1994)[82]
A sample from an MCA Videodisc bumper. The sample appears deeper in the mix at 1:48, but can be heard most clearly and in its entirety starting at 4:00. [83]
A woman with a southern American accent apparently pulling up to a drive-through fast food ordering microphone and asking "Yes, what comes with, uh, chicken fingers?" ("Dave (I'm A Real Traditionalist)", "R35TT A06")
A woman saying "One, two, three and four" in an American/Canadian accent, possibly from a vintage children's educational tape or retro domestic appliance advert (Warp10-07)
A vocoded voice repeating throughout, possibly saying "Marcus singing", "Funky singing", "Love is in me", or "Focus in me" (Warp10-08)
Another vocoded voice which repeats throughout, possibly saying "The one move it" in a Scottish accent, or "The one and only" (Warp10-08)
Jump up β The video in this reference is unrelated, and just for visual interest. Additionally, it is not confirmed that the sample source is from David Bigham. For more discussion about the source, see the full page for this song.
Jump up β . It has been suggested that the sample has been rerecorded due to the slight difference in instrumentation, but this has not been confirmed.
Jump up β . This is the original sample, which also appears on the original version of One Very Important Thought on BoC Maxima. The sample here is clearly rerecorded, but it is unknown who is speaking.
Jump up β This sample is also pitched down slightly. This particular bumper most likely originates from 1982-1984; LaserDiscs went through many different renamings and rebrandings, and the MCA Videodisc label was only used during this period.