👉 Boards of Canada’s Vibrations - a playlist by Moz and Fredd-E 🎧

artists mentioned by Boards of Canada in their interviews



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  1. File:LEX189 back.jpeg
  2. File:LEX189 front.jpeg
  3. Video Posts
  4. File:Video-posts-analysis.png
  5. File:TCH font.png
  6. File:Miasm-infection-tch-font.jpeg
  7. User:Gantzgraf
  8. User talk:Gantzgraf
  9. User:Bphaxclassic
  10. File:Hell+Interface.jpg
  11. File:2005 11 Clash Vol01 No11 pg67.jpg
  12. File:2005 11 Clash Vol01 No11 pg66.jpg
  13. File:2005 11 Clash Vol01 No11 Cover.jpg
  14. File:Hi Scores 2023 artwork from Bleep.jpg
  15. File:Geogaddi.png
  16. User:Magic Orange
  17. File:Twoism-skam-insert-fix.jpeg
  18. File:Twoism-skam-insert.jpeg
  19. File:Beginner-guide-04.jpg
  20. Come To Dust (promo cd)
  21. File:Come To Dust (promo cd front).jpg
  22. File:Come To Dust (promo cd back).jpg
  23. File:Come To Dust (promo cd disc).jpg
  24. File:Come To Dust (promo cd sleeve).jpg
  25. Reach For The Dead (promo cd)
  26. File:Reach For The Dead (promo cd back).jpg
  27. File:Reach For The Dead (promo cd front).jpg
  28. File:Warp10 Onanon 4.jpg
  29. File:Warp10 Onanon 3.jpg
  30. File:Warp10 Onanon 2.jpg
  31. File:IABPOITC Vinyl.JPG
  32. The Magic Window
  33. User:Phin
  34. Beginner Guide
  35. File:Beginner-guide-03.jpg
  36. File:Beginner-guide-02.jpg
  37. File:Beginner-guide-01.jpg
  38. Template:Citation needed/doc
  39. Template:Citation needed/sandbox
  40. Template:Fix/sandbox
  41. Template:Fix/testcases
  42. Template:Citation needed/testcases
  43. 84 Pontiac Dream
  44. File:2013-06-07 - The Guardian - 02.jpg
  45. File:2013-06-07 - The Guardian - 01.jpg
  46. File:2005 11 Groove Nov Dec No97 pg04.jpg
  47. User:Kevin osmond
  48. Category:Il Mucchio
  49. File:2002 06 Il Mucchio No491 pg16.jpg
  50. File:2002 06 Il Mucchio No491 pg15.jpg