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|date= 2002/03
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== Translated text  ==
== Translated text  ==
'''Note''': Translated by ChatGPT-4o
Introducing: [[Boards Of Canada]]. Enigmatic electronic duo from Scotland. Creators of the enchantingly beautiful CDs ''[[Music has the Right to Children]]'' and ''[[Geogaddi]]''. Beat freaks with a love for folk artists like [[wikipedia:Joni Mitchell|Jonie Mitchell]] and [[wikipedia:The Incredible String Band|The Incredible String Band]]. Inspirations for [[wikipedia:Radiohead|Radiohead]] and many others. At the center of a genuine cult following. Ambition: to remain invisible.
By Koen Poolman
Reading time: 7'32""
{{boc|We're at our studio right now, the whole place is under snow at the moment. Everything's cool.}}
The beginning of an email correspondence with [[Marcus Eoin]] (28) - real name Marcus Es - and [[Michael]] '[[Mike]]' [[Sandison]] (30), together [[Boards Of Canada]]. Media-shy electronic duo hiding out in their studio in an abandoned nuclear bunker in the wild nature of the Pentland Hills, on the east coast of Scotland. [[Boards Of Canada]] likes to keep its distance. From the media, from fans (performances are rare), from their colleagues (whoever you talk to, no one has ever met them), and certainly from the music industry. No one seems to know them personally.
{{boc|We keep in touch with no one in the music world. It's not worth it. It's simply not our world.}}
[[Boards Of Canada]], a myth in a world of hypes and trends.
IT IS FEBRUARY 28, 2002, IT IS SNOWING IN SCOTLAND and [[Boards Of Canada]] speaks, after four years of silence and one previous contact that led nowhere. Then, around the release of the mini-CD ''[[In a Beautiful Place out in the Country (release)|In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country]]'' (late '00), they did only three interviews. Worldwide. Now there are a few more — not many — more. Via email. It's either that or nothing.
{{boc|We prefer not to publicize our music at all}}
, writes [[Mike Sandison]] in his first response.
{{boc|We would rather people discover our music themselves, so they can form a personal connection with it.}}
Music that gets caught up in the whirl of the music industry loses its purity and innocence and thus its credibility, the duo firmly believes. The only alternative is to release your records quietly and then step away from them. Let the consumer find it and decide for themselves.
{{boc|The music of [[Boards Of Canada]] should slowly creep up on you,}}
[[Mike]] emphasizes.
{{boc|Our records are not meant to grab you by the throat immediately. To quote [[wikipedia:Jack Dangers|Jack Dangers]] of [[wikipedia:Meat Beat Manifesto|Meat Beat Manifesto]]: Play twice before listening.}}
This was indeed the case with ''[[Music Has The Right To Children]]'' ('98). The official debut came quietly, began to grow slowly, and has now reached almost mythical proportions. It is a modern classic, timeless and genreless. Pure beauty, nostalgia, and mystique captured in abstract beats, warm synthesizers, comforting melodies, and alienating children's voices: distorted, cut up, and played backward. Music for a fairy tale that ends badly. Playful, innocent, but with a dark undertone. Bit by bit, the mystery around the creators also unfolded. [[Mike Sandison]] and [[Marcus Eoin]] supposedly. Two recluses from Scotland, it soon became clear. As children, they both emigrated to [[wikipedia:Alberta|Alberta]], where they spent hours glued to the TV, mesmerized by the images and music of the [[wikipedia:National Film Board Of Canada|National Film Board Of Canada]] nature documentaries. The background music of these films still serves as a significant influence on their own work. Via a stopover in southern England, the two (no family relation) returned to the east coast of Scotland in the early '80s. They have been playing together in a band since '86. Between '92 and '94, they organized [[Redmoon|Redmoon parties]], which were actually happenings, in a ruin in the wilderness of the [[wikipedia:Pentland Hills|Pentland Hills]], near [[wikipedia:Edinburgh|Edinburgh]]. Attractions: Super-8 films from their youth, old children's songs mixed over electronic beats, a large campfire, and a red moon. In their own Hexagon Sun studio, located in a bunker in the hills near the ruin, they recorded their first LP, ''[[Twoism (release)|Twoism]]'' ('95), which found its way to [[Skam]] through [[Autechre]]'s [[Autechre|Sean Booth]] a year later. The Manchester label immediately contacted the [[Boards of Canada|Scots]] and released the mini-LP ''[[Hi Scores (release)|Hi Scores]]'' ('96). [[Warp]] then signed them, and the story with ''[[Music Has The Right To Children]]'' truly began. Four years later, a genuine cult has erupted around the duo - a recent auction on eBay saw one of the hundred LPs of ''[[Twoism (release)|Twoism]]'' sell for 710 pounds - and ''[[Geogaddi]]'' is already one of the most anticipated albums of 2002.
''[[Geogaddi|GEOGADDI]]'' MEETS ALL HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Again, '[[Boards of Canada|Boards]]' creates its own fairytale world full of echoes from an unknown past - a universe far removed from the here and now.
[[Mike]] agrees.
{{boc|We try to have as few links with the present as possible. I hope our music will still be appreciated thirty years from now without evoking a specific time, trend, or scene. Our favorite music has always been melancholic and sad, and also a bit damaged - like the sound of a rusty film. That effect makes it nostalgic for many people. Our intention is to give people something familiar while simultaneously alienating them from the world they know.}}
{{boc|A part of us wants everything to be perfect}}
, [[Marcus]] adds,
{{boc|another part tries to destroy everything we've carefully built, but in a brilliant way.}}
Electronic music is always associated with science fiction, [[wikipedia:futurism|futurism]], [[wikipedia:cyberspace|cyberspace]], a world of robots and machinery. A cliché, according to [[Mike]].
{{boc|In the '70s, when [[wikipedia:Kraftwerk|Kraftwerk]] was at its peak, this might have been original, but now it shows little originality and imagination.}}
In the music of [[Boards Of Canada]], the innocence of a child, the wonder of nature, and the ancient land of our ancestors resonate. This does not depict a future but unearths a memory from the collective subconscious. Like the return to a lost childhood.
{{boc|A recurring theme in our music}}
, says [[Mike]],
{{boc|because it preoccupies me personally. I get sad when I think back to my childhood, and sadness is the best source of inspiration there is.}}
{{question|What memory underlies "[[1969]]" the only vocal track on ''[[Geogaddi]]''}}, I ask. [[Mike]] cryptically:
{{boc|"[[1969]]" in the sunshine refers to a certain period in the existence of a religious group and simultaneously to that time in general. It breathes the hope of an optimistic generation unaware of the disaster awaiting it.}}
{{question|The music of [[Boards Of Canada]] is full of such mysterious messages and references.}}
{{boc|They give the music context,}}
explains [[Marcus]],
{{boc|and in some cases, a very specific meaning.}}
Tracks like "[[Music Is Math]]," "[[A Is To B As B Is To C]]" and "[[The Smallest Weird Number]]" ('70' according to [[Mike]]) reveal an above-average interest in mathematics. An interest that runs like a thread through ''[[Geogaddi]]'', [[Mike]] admits. [[Marcus]] even confirms the rumor that the duo occasionally incorporates the [[wikipedia:Fibonacci|Fibonacci]] sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.) into their compositions.
{{boc|And other equations and quotations,}}
he adds,
{{boc|but mostly we just make music like everyone else.}}
[[Boards of Canada|BOARDS OF CANADA]] IS A TYPICAL EXPONENT OF THE [[Warp|WARP]] SCHOOL. The abstract electronics of [[wikipedia:Aphex Twin|Aphex Twin]], [[Autechre]], and [[wikipedia:Plaid|Plaid]] gently echo in the warm sound of the [[Boards of Canada|Scots]], who in turn influence many new technicians, and even mega acts like [[wikipedia:Radiohead|Radiohead]], [[wikipedia:U2|U2]], and [[wikipedia:Björk|Björk]]. [[Boards Of Canada]] is the most important innovator in electronic music in recent years. Many reviewers, however, mostly recognize a folk influence in their music.
Rightly so, says [[Mike]].
{{boc|Most of our musical influences lie in folk, not electronic music. On ''[[Geogaddi]]'' we used a lot of acoustic instruments, albeit not in a recognizable way. We love artists like [[wikipedia:Joni Mitchell|Joni Mitchell]] and [[wikipedia:The Incredible String Band|The Incredible String Band]]. Their music has a certain purity, and that is what we strive for in our way. We've recorded quite a bit in that style ourselves, but none of it has been released yet.}}
{{question|For fun, put the cover of ''[[Music has the Right to Children]]'' next to ''[[wikipedia:The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter|The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter]] by [[wikipedia:The Incredible String Band|The Incredible String Band]] (from '68, the peak of their psychedelic period), and you have a nice pair.}}
[[Marcus]] responds.
{{boc|We have all the [[wikipedia:The Incredible String Band|String Band]] records! In fact, they come from the same town where we now live. We see each other occasionally. I recognize a strong connection to the countryside in their music, a connection we also feel. Personally, I consider them one of the most important and underrated bands of the last forty years.}}
{{question|Like much old folk music, the music of [[Boards Of Canada]] is full of [[wikipedia:Paganism|pagan]] symbolism.}}
{{boc|We are interested in the [[wikipedia:Paganism|pagan]] roots of our society,}}
[[Mike]] confirms,
{{boc|with all its rituals and ancient ways of life. Most people seem to forget that the modern age we live in is also transient. You can at least study an alternative to the current society and way of life. Look at someone like [[wikipedia:Julian Cope|Julian Cope]], who uses these influences to enrich his music uniquely. But those influences can also manifest themselves in other ways, outside of music.}}
{{boc|We are ardent [[wikipedia:Anti-globalization_movement|anti-globalists]]. We are vehemently against economic growth as a pretext for [[wikipedia:industrialization|industrialization]]. It bothers me that more and more technology is being produced just for the sake of production, not because we need all that junk. I recently heard a politician say that a decrease in population would be a disaster for England and that if we don't quickly build more houses, the quality of life would decline, and the economy would collapse. That is utter nonsense. When will they stop? When all the land is covered with houses and factories? My biggest problem with the world is that we have enough space and resources to give everyone a dignified existence, and it just doesn't happen. George Bush was right when he spoke of the Axis of Evil: it's on the doorstep of the multinationals and the government! We try to reflect the idea of a less urbanized life in our music without preaching.}}
{{question|How evil is [[Boards of Canada]], you might wonder after seeing the occult artwork of ''[[Geogaddi]]'' (duration: 66 minutes and 6 seconds) and a track like "[[The Devil Is In The Details]]".}}
{{boc|As evil as Mickey Mouse.}}
{{question|Many dance compilations classify [[Boards of Canada]] under the chill-out genre.}}
scoffs [[Marcus]].
{{boc|I don't even know what chill-out is.}}
So, does [[Boards of Canada]] make dance music? That's also debatable. In the NME, a comparison was made—with the duo's approval—to ''[[wikipedia:Loveless|Lovess]]'' by [[wikipedia:My Bloody Valentine|My Bloody Valentine]]. [[Boards of Canada]] is just as inscrutable. Their music lacks the dynamics of the dance floor. The rhythm of nature suits them just fine. Ebb and flow. The sun and the moon. The blooming of a flower—and how the [[wikipedia:Fibonacci|Fibonacci]] sequence reveals itself in the pattern of leaves on some flowers, plants, and fruits. Things like that. Try finding that with [[wikipedia:The Chemical Brothers|The Chemical Brothers]]! Dance music builds up to a climax, vertically, along the same rhythm. [[Boards of Canada]] composes horizontally, constantly changing tone and color, and once the melody is set, it disappears as quickly as it came—like a cloud briefly forming a recognizable shape, a snowflake melting in your hand. [[Boards of Canada]]'s CDs are filled with short, elusive miniatures, little pieces of music that are over before you know it. They are the sounds to the images in their heads. Images of a volcanic eruption ("[[Gyroscope]]") or a documentary on energy conservation ("[[Energy Warning]]"), undoubtedly inspired by an old broadcast from the [[wikipedia:National Film Board Of Canada|National Film Board of Canada]]. Or one of their own films, as they also make those as part of the collective [[Music70|Music 70]].
{{boc|Those short pieces,}}
writes [[Mike]],
{{boc|we make many more of those than our actual tracks, and they are actually our favorite pieces. If we wanted, we could release ten albums with these miniatures. On ''[[Geogaddi]]'', only the tracks that fit the storyline were included. You need to listen to the album as a whole, like a soundtrack to a bizarre film or musical. The theme is confusion, darkness, a sort of [[wikipedia:Alice in Wonderland|Alice in Wonderland]] adventure. ''[[Music Has the Right to Children]]'' was an album for the outdoors, on a cold, clear day with a bright blue sky. ''[[Geogaddi]]'' is more like a nightmare full of evil spirits and dark forces, a claustrophobic trip that ends with "[[Corsair]]", the light at the end of the tunnel. For us, an album is nothing more than collecting the right tracks. We are already working on putting together our next album.}}
In my mind, it starts to snow gently.
[[Boards of Canada]] has no plans to perform at this time, but they are keeping all options open. The rumor that [[Warp]] will re-release their self-produced work is neither confirmed nor denied.
For the full email interview, visit [https://www.oor.nl www.oor.nl].
== Highlights ==
== Highlights ==
* [[Mike]] and [[Marcus]] are not yet regarded as brothers in this interview.
* [[Mike]]: “We prefer not to publicize our music at all.”
* [[Mike]]: “Our intention is to give people something familiar while simultaneously alienating them from the world they know.”
* [[Marcus]]: “A part of us wants everything to be perfect, another part tries to destroy everything we've carefully built, but in a brilliant way.”
* [[Mike]]: “Those short pieces, we make many more of those than our actual tracks, and they are actually our favorite pieces. If we wanted, we could release ten albums with these miniatures.”
== External Links ==
== External Links ==

Latest revision as of 21:00, 17 July 2024

title Even voorstellen
author Koen Poolman
publication OOR
date 2002/03
issue 06
pages 20-22

"Even voorstellen" is an interview (in Dutch) by Koen Poolman originally published Mar. 2002 in Oor magazine Number 06, pp. 20-22. The full interview was available on the OOR website.[1]

Original Text[edit]

This is an original text copied verbatim from the original source. Do not edit this text to correct errors or misspellings. Aside from added wikilinks, this text is exactly as it originally appeared.

Even voorstellen: Boards Of Canada. Enigmatisch elektronicaduo uit Schotland. Makers van de sprookjesachtig mooie CD's Music Has The Right To Children en Geogaddi. Beatfreaks met een voorliefde voor folkies Joni Mitchell en The Incredible Stringband. Inspiratiebron voor Radiohead en vele anderen. Middelpunt van een heuse cultus. Ambitie: onzichtbaar blijven.

door Koen Poolman

leestijd 7'32"

We're at our studio right now, the whole place is under snow at the moment. Everything's cool.
Het begin van een e-mail correspondentie met Marcus Eion (28) - echte naam Marcus Es - en Michael 'Mike' Sandison (30), samen Boards Of Canada. Mediaschuw elektronicaduo dat zich schuilhoudt in zijn studio in een verlaten atoombunker in de woeste natuur van de Pentland Hills, aan de oostkust van Schotland. Boards Of Canada bewaart graag afstand. Van de media, van de fans (optredens zijn een zeldzaamheid), van hun collega's (wie je ook spreekt, niemand heeft hen ooit ontmoet) en zeker van de muziekindustrie. Niemand lijkt hen persoon lijk te kennen.
We houden met niemand in de muziek contact. Het is het niet waard. Het is gewoon onze wereld niet.
Boards Of Canada, mythe in een wereld van hypes en trends.

HET IS 28 FEBRUARI 2002, HET SNEEUWT IN SCHOTLAND en Boards Of Canada spreekt, na vier jaar van stilzwijgen en één eerder op niets uitgelopen contact. Toen, rond het verschijnen van de mini-CD In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country (eind '00), deed men uiteindelijk maar drie interviews. Wereldwijd. Nu zijn het er een paar - niet veel — meer. Per e-mail. Het is graag of niet.

Het liefst geven we helemaal geen ruchtbaarheid aan onze muziek,
schrijft Mike Sandison in zijn eerste reactie.
We hebben liever dat de mensen onze muziek zelf ontdekken, zodat ze er een persoonlijke band mee krijgen.
Muziek die in de mallemolen van de muziekindustrie terechtkomt, verliest haar puurheid en haar onschuld en dus haar geloofwaardigheid, is de stellige overtuiging van het duo. Het enige alternatief is je platen stilletjes uit te brengen en vervolgens je handen er vanaf te trekken. Laat de consument zelf maar op zoek gaan en beslissen. De muziek van Boards Of Canada moet je langzaam bekruipen, benadrukt Mike.
Onze platen zijn niet bedoeld om je meteen bij de keel te grijpen. Om met Jack Dangers [van Meat Beat Manifesto] te spreken: Play twice before listening.

Aldus geschiedde met Music Has The Right To Children ('98). Het officiële debuut kwam geruisloos, begon langzaam te groeien en is inmiddels tot haast mythische proporties uitgegroeid. Het is een moderne klassieker, tijdloos en genreloos. Pure schoonheid, nostalgie en mystiek gevat in abstracte beats, warme synthesizers, troostrijke melodieën en vervreemdende kinderstemmetjes: verdraaid, verknipt en achterstevoren afgespeeld. Muziek bij een sprookje dat slecht afloopt. Dartel, speels, onschuldig, maar met een duistere ondertoon. Stukje bij beetje ontrafelde zich ook het mysterie rond de makers. Mike Sandison en Marcus Eion zogezegd. Twee kluizenaars uit Schotland, bleek al snel. Als kind zouden ze allebei naar Alberta zijn geëmigreerd, alwaar ze uren voor de buis gekluisterd zaten, betoverd door de beelden én de muziek van de natuurdocumentaires van de National Film Board Of Canada. De achtergrondmuziek bij deze films geldt nog steeds als een belangrijke invloed op hun eigen werk. Via een tussenstop in Zuid-Engeland keren de twee (geen familie) begin jaren '80 terug naar de oostkust van Schotland. Daar spelen ze sinds '86 samen in een band. Tussen '92 en '94 organiseren ze Redmoon-feesten, happenings eigenlijk, in een ruïne middenin de wildernis van de Pentland Hills, onder Edinburgh. Attracties: Super-8 filmpjes uit hun jeugd, oude kinderliedjes gemixt over elektronische beats, een groot kampvuur en een rode maan. In de eigen Hexagon Sun studio, gevestigd in een atoombunker in de heuvels vlakbij de ruïne, nemen ze in eigen beheer hun eerste LP op, Twoism ('95), die een jaar later via Autechre's Sean Booth bij Skam belandt. Het label uit Manchester neemt direct contact met de Schotten op en brengt de mini-lp Hi Scores ('96) uit. Waarna Warp hen contracteert en het verhaal met Music Has The Right To Children pas echt begint. Weer vier jaar later is er een heuse cultus rond het duo losgebarsten - onlangs werd een van de honderd LP's van Twoism voor maar liefst 710 pond op eBay geveild - en is Geogaddi al op voorhand een van de belangrijkste albums van 2002.

GEOGADDI LOST ALLE HOOGGESPANNEN VERWACHTINGEN IN. Opnieuw creëert 'Boards' zijn eigen sprookjeswereld vol echo's uit een onbekend verleden - een universum ver weg van het hier en nu.

Mike reageert instemmend.
We proberen zo weinig mogelijk aanknopingspunten met het heden te hebben. Ik hoop dat onze muziek over dertig jaar nog steeds gewaardeerd wordt zonder een bepaalde tijd of trend of scene in herinnering te roepen. Onze favoriete muziek is altijd melancholisch en droevig geweest, en ook een beetje beschadigd - als het geluid van een verroeste film. Dat effect maakt het voor veel mensen nostalgisch. Onze intentie is om de mensen iets vertrouwds te geven en ze tegelijkertijd te vervreemden van de wereld die zij kennen.
Een deel van ons wil dat alles perfect is,
vult Marcus aan,
een ander deel probeert alles wat we zorgvuldig opgebouwd hebben weer kapot te maken, maar wel op een briljante manier.
Elektronische muziek wordt steevast geassocieerd met sciencefiction, futurisme, cyberspace, een wereld van robots en machinerie. Een cliché, meent Mike.
In de jaren '70, toen Kraftwerk op zijn hoogtepunt was, was dit misschien nog wel origineel, nu getuigt het van weinig originaliteit en verbeeldingsvermogen.
In de muziek van Boards Of Canada weerklinkt de onschuld van een kind, het wonder der natuur, het eeuwenoude land van onze voorvaderen. Hier wordt geen toekomst geschetst, maar een herinnering uit het collectieve onderbewustzijn opgegraven. Het terughalen van een verloren jeugd bijvoorbeeld.
Een terugkerend thema in onze muziek,
aldus Mike,
omdat het mij persoonlijk erg bezighoudt. Ik word verdrietig als ik aan mijn kindertijd terugdenk en verdriet is de beste inspiratiebron die er is.
Welke herinnering ligt ten grondslag aan 1969, het enige vocale nummer op Geogaddi, vraag ik. Mike cryptisch:
1969 in the sunshine verwijst naar een bepaalde periode in het bestaan van een religieuze groepering en tegelijkertijd naar die tijd in het algemeen. Het ademt de hoop van een optimistische generatie die zich niet bewust is van het onheil dat haar te wachten staat.
De muziek van Boards Of Canada zit vol met dit soort geheimzinnige boodschappen en verwijzinkjes.
Ze geven de muziek een context,
legt Marcus uit,
en in sommige gevallen een heel specifieke betekenis.
Nummers als Music Is Math, A Is To B As B Is To C en The Smallest Weird Number ('70' volgens Mike) verraden een bovenmatige interesse voor wiskunde. Een interesse die als een rode draad over Geogaddi heenloopt, bekent Mike. Marcus bevestigt zelfs het gerucht dat het duo zo nu en dan de cijferreeks van Fibonacci (1, 2, 3, 5, 8,13 enzovoort) in zijn composities verwerkt.
En ook wel andere vergelijkingen en quotaties,
meldt hij,
maar meestal maken we gewoon muziek zoals ieder ander.

BOARDS OF CANADA IS EEN TYPISCHE EXPONENT VAN DE WARP-SCHOOL. De abstracte elektronica van Aphex Twin, Autechre en Plaid echoot zachtjes na in de warme sound van de Schotten, die op hun beurt weer vele nieuwe techneuten beïnvloeden, en ook megacts als Radiohead, U2 en Björk trouwens. Boards Of Canada is de belangrijkste vernieuwer binnen de elektronische muziek van de laatste jaren. Veel recensenten herkennen echter vooral een folk-invloed in hun muziek.

Terecht, stelt Mike.
Onze meeste muzikale invloeden liggen in de folk, niet in de elektronische muziek. Op Geogaddi hebben we een hoop akoestische instrumenten gebruikt, zij het niet op een herkenbare manier. We zijn gek op artiesten als Joni Mitchell en The Incredible Stringband. Hun muziek bezit een zekere puurheid, en dat is waar wij op onze manier ook naar streven. We hebben zelf ook het nodige in die stijl opgenomen, maar daar is nog niets van uitgebracht.
Leg voor de grap de hoes van Music Has The Right To Children naast die van The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter van The Incredible Stringband (uit '68, het toppunt van hun psychedelische periode) en je hebt een mooi paar.
antwoordt Marcus.
We hebben alle Stringband-platen! Sterker nog, ze komen uit hetzelfde plaatsje als waar wij nu wonen. Af en toe zien we elkaar. Ik herken in hun muziek een sterke verbondenheid met het platteland, een band die wij 66k voelen. Persoonlijk vind ik hen een van belangrijkste en meest onderschatte bands van de laatste veertig jaar.
Net als veel oude volksmuziek is de muziek van Boards Of Canada vergeven van heidense symboliek.
Wij zijn geïnteresseerd in de heidense roots van onze samenleving,
bevestigt Mike,
met ai zijn rituelen en oude levenswijzen. De meeste mensen schijnen te vergeten dat de moderne tijd waarin wij leven ook maar van voorbijgaande aard is. Je kunt op z'n minst een alternatief voor de huidige maatschappij en manier van leven bestuderen. Kijk naar iemand als Julian Cope, die gebruikt deze invloeden om zijn muziek op een unieke wijze te verrijken. Maar die invloeden kunnen zich ook op een andere wijze, buiten de muziek, manifesteren.
Wij zijn fanatieke anti-globalisten. Wij zijn fel tegen economische groei als drogreden voor industrialisatie. Het stoort mij dat er steeds meer technologie wordt geproduceerd om het produceren, en niet omdat we al die rotzooi nodig hebben. lk hoorde laatst een politicus zeggen dat een afname van de bevolking een ramp voor Engeland zou betekenen, en dat als we niet snel nog meer huizen zouden bouwen de kwaliteit van het leven zou afnemen en de economie zou instorten. Dat is aperte onzin. Wanneer stoppen ze? Als al het land is volgebouwd met huizen en fabrieken? Mijn grootste probleem met de wereld is dat we genoeg ruimte en middelen hebben om iedereen een menswaardig bestaan te geven en dat dit gewoon niet gebeurt. George Bush had gelijk toen hij sprak van de As van het Kwaad: hij ligt op de stoep voor de multinationals en de overheid! Wij proberen het idee van een minder verstedelijkt leven in onze muziek te laten doorklinken, zonder nou te willen prediken.
Hoe Kwaad is Boards Of Canada eigenlijk, vraag je je af na het zien van het occulte artwork van Geogaddi (duur: 66 minuten en 6 seconden) en een nummer als The Devil Is In The Details. Mike:
As evil as Mickey Mouse.

sneert Marcus.
Ik weet niet eens wat chili-out is.
Maakt Boards Of Canada dan wel dance? Ook dat is discutabel. In de NME werd - met instemming van het duo - de vergelijking met Loveless van My Bloody Valentine gemaakt. Boards Of Canada is even ondoorgrondelijk. Hun muziek mist de dynamiek van de dansvloer. Het ritme van de natuur gaat hen snel genoeg. Eb en vloed. De zon en de maan. Het ontluiken van een bloem - en hoe de Fibonacci-reeks zich openbaart in het patroon van de bladeren van sommige bloemen, planten en vruchten. Van die dingen. Kom daar maar eens om bij The Chemical Brothers! Dansmuziek bouwt op naar een hoogtepunt, verticaal, langs alsmaar hetzelfde ritme. Boards Of Canada componeert horizontaal, wisselt voortdurend van klank en kleur, en als de melodie eenmaal staat, verdwijnt zij net zo snel als zij gekomen is - als een wolk die even een herkenbare vorm aanneemt, een sneeuwvlok die smelt in je hand. De CD's van Boards Of Canada grossieren in korte, ongrijpbare miniatuurtjes, muziekjes eigenlijk, die voorbij zijn voordat je het weet. Het zijn de klanken bij de beelden in hun hoofd. Beelden van een vulkanische uitbarsting (Gyroscope) of een documentaire over zuinig energieverbruik (Energy Warning), ongetwijfeld geïnspireerd op een oude uitzending van de National Film Board Of Canada. Of een van hun eigen films, want die maken ze ook, als onderdeel van het collectief Music 70.
Die korte muziekjes,
schrijft Mike,
daar maken we er veel meer van dan van onze echte nummers, en eigenlijk zijn ze onze favoriete nummers. Als we zouden willen, brengen we zo tien albums met dit soort miniatuurtjes uit. Op Geogaddi staan alleen de tracks die in de lijn van het verhaal pasten. Je moet het album als één geheel luisteren, als een soundtrack bij een bizarre film of musical. Het thema is verwarring, duisternis, een soort Alice In Wonderlandachtig avontuur. Music Has The Right To Chiidren was een plaat voor in de buitenlucht, op een koude, heldere dag met een strakblauwe hemel. Geogaddi is meer een nachtmerrie vol kwade geesten en duistere machten, een claustrofobische trip die eindigt met Corsair, het licht aan het einde van de tunnel. Voor ons is een album niet meer dan het bij elkaar harken van de juiste tracks. We zijn alweer bezig ons volgende album samen te stellen.


In mijn gedachten begint het zachtjes te sneeuwen.

Boards Of Canada heeft vooralsnog geen plannen om te gaan optreden, maar houdt alle opties open. Het gerucht dat Warp het eigen beheer-werk opnieuw gaat uitbrengen wordt bevestigd noch tegengesproken. Voor het volledige e-mail interview kun je terecht op www.oor.nl.

Translated text[edit]

Note: Translated by ChatGPT-4o

Introducing: Boards Of Canada. Enigmatic electronic duo from Scotland. Creators of the enchantingly beautiful CDs Music has the Right to Children and Geogaddi. Beat freaks with a love for folk artists like Jonie Mitchell and The Incredible String Band. Inspirations for Radiohead and many others. At the center of a genuine cult following. Ambition: to remain invisible.

By Koen Poolman

Reading time: 7'32""

We're at our studio right now, the whole place is under snow at the moment. Everything's cool.

The beginning of an email correspondence with Marcus Eoin (28) - real name Marcus Es - and Michael 'Mike' Sandison (30), together Boards Of Canada. Media-shy electronic duo hiding out in their studio in an abandoned nuclear bunker in the wild nature of the Pentland Hills, on the east coast of Scotland. Boards Of Canada likes to keep its distance. From the media, from fans (performances are rare), from their colleagues (whoever you talk to, no one has ever met them), and certainly from the music industry. No one seems to know them personally.

We keep in touch with no one in the music world. It's not worth it. It's simply not our world.

Boards Of Canada, a myth in a world of hypes and trends.

IT IS FEBRUARY 28, 2002, IT IS SNOWING IN SCOTLAND and Boards Of Canada speaks, after four years of silence and one previous contact that led nowhere. Then, around the release of the mini-CD In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country (late '00), they did only three interviews. Worldwide. Now there are a few more — not many — more. Via email. It's either that or nothing.

We prefer not to publicize our music at all

, writes Mike Sandison in his first response.

We would rather people discover our music themselves, so they can form a personal connection with it.

Music that gets caught up in the whirl of the music industry loses its purity and innocence and thus its credibility, the duo firmly believes. The only alternative is to release your records quietly and then step away from them. Let the consumer find it and decide for themselves.

The music of Boards Of Canada should slowly creep up on you,

Mike emphasizes.

Our records are not meant to grab you by the throat immediately. To quote Jack Dangers of Meat Beat Manifesto: Play twice before listening.

This was indeed the case with Music Has The Right To Children ('98). The official debut came quietly, began to grow slowly, and has now reached almost mythical proportions. It is a modern classic, timeless and genreless. Pure beauty, nostalgia, and mystique captured in abstract beats, warm synthesizers, comforting melodies, and alienating children's voices: distorted, cut up, and played backward. Music for a fairy tale that ends badly. Playful, innocent, but with a dark undertone. Bit by bit, the mystery around the creators also unfolded. Mike Sandison and Marcus Eoin supposedly. Two recluses from Scotland, it soon became clear. As children, they both emigrated to Alberta, where they spent hours glued to the TV, mesmerized by the images and music of the National Film Board Of Canada nature documentaries. The background music of these films still serves as a significant influence on their own work. Via a stopover in southern England, the two (no family relation) returned to the east coast of Scotland in the early '80s. They have been playing together in a band since '86. Between '92 and '94, they organized Redmoon parties, which were actually happenings, in a ruin in the wilderness of the Pentland Hills, near Edinburgh. Attractions: Super-8 films from their youth, old children's songs mixed over electronic beats, a large campfire, and a red moon. In their own Hexagon Sun studio, located in a bunker in the hills near the ruin, they recorded their first LP, Twoism ('95), which found its way to Skam through Autechre's Sean Booth a year later. The Manchester label immediately contacted the Scots and released the mini-LP Hi Scores ('96). Warp then signed them, and the story with Music Has The Right To Children truly began. Four years later, a genuine cult has erupted around the duo - a recent auction on eBay saw one of the hundred LPs of Twoism sell for 710 pounds - and Geogaddi is already one of the most anticipated albums of 2002.

GEOGADDI MEETS ALL HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Again, 'Boards' creates its own fairytale world full of echoes from an unknown past - a universe far removed from the here and now.

Mike agrees.

We try to have as few links with the present as possible. I hope our music will still be appreciated thirty years from now without evoking a specific time, trend, or scene. Our favorite music has always been melancholic and sad, and also a bit damaged - like the sound of a rusty film. That effect makes it nostalgic for many people. Our intention is to give people something familiar while simultaneously alienating them from the world they know.
A part of us wants everything to be perfect

, Marcus adds,

another part tries to destroy everything we've carefully built, but in a brilliant way.

Electronic music is always associated with science fiction, futurism, cyberspace, a world of robots and machinery. A cliché, according to Mike.

In the '70s, when Kraftwerk was at its peak, this might have been original, but now it shows little originality and imagination.

In the music of Boards Of Canada, the innocence of a child, the wonder of nature, and the ancient land of our ancestors resonate. This does not depict a future but unearths a memory from the collective subconscious. Like the return to a lost childhood.

A recurring theme in our music

, says Mike,

because it preoccupies me personally. I get sad when I think back to my childhood, and sadness is the best source of inspiration there is.
What memory underlies "1969" the only vocal track on Geogaddi
, I ask. Mike cryptically:
"1969" in the sunshine refers to a certain period in the existence of a religious group and simultaneously to that time in general. It breathes the hope of an optimistic generation unaware of the disaster awaiting it.
The music of Boards Of Canada is full of such mysterious messages and references.
They give the music context,

explains Marcus,

and in some cases, a very specific meaning.

Tracks like "Music Is Math," "A Is To B As B Is To C" and "The Smallest Weird Number" ('70' according to Mike) reveal an above-average interest in mathematics. An interest that runs like a thread through Geogaddi, Mike admits. Marcus even confirms the rumor that the duo occasionally incorporates the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.) into their compositions.

And other equations and quotations,

he adds,

but mostly we just make music like everyone else.

BOARDS OF CANADA IS A TYPICAL EXPONENT OF THE WARP SCHOOL. The abstract electronics of Aphex Twin, Autechre, and Plaid gently echo in the warm sound of the Scots, who in turn influence many new technicians, and even mega acts like Radiohead, U2, and Björk. Boards Of Canada is the most important innovator in electronic music in recent years. Many reviewers, however, mostly recognize a folk influence in their music.

Rightly so, says Mike.

Most of our musical influences lie in folk, not electronic music. On Geogaddi we used a lot of acoustic instruments, albeit not in a recognizable way. We love artists like Joni Mitchell and The Incredible String Band. Their music has a certain purity, and that is what we strive for in our way. We've recorded quite a bit in that style ourselves, but none of it has been released yet.
For fun, put the cover of Music has the Right to Children next to The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter by The Incredible String Band (from '68, the peak of their psychedelic period), and you have a nice pair.

Marcus responds.

We have all the String Band records! In fact, they come from the same town where we now live. We see each other occasionally. I recognize a strong connection to the countryside in their music, a connection we also feel. Personally, I consider them one of the most important and underrated bands of the last forty years.
Like much old folk music, the music of Boards Of Canada is full of pagan symbolism.
We are interested in the pagan roots of our society,

Mike confirms,

with all its rituals and ancient ways of life. Most people seem to forget that the modern age we live in is also transient. You can at least study an alternative to the current society and way of life. Look at someone like Julian Cope, who uses these influences to enrich his music uniquely. But those influences can also manifest themselves in other ways, outside of music.


We are ardent anti-globalists. We are vehemently against economic growth as a pretext for industrialization. It bothers me that more and more technology is being produced just for the sake of production, not because we need all that junk. I recently heard a politician say that a decrease in population would be a disaster for England and that if we don't quickly build more houses, the quality of life would decline, and the economy would collapse. That is utter nonsense. When will they stop? When all the land is covered with houses and factories? My biggest problem with the world is that we have enough space and resources to give everyone a dignified existence, and it just doesn't happen. George Bush was right when he spoke of the Axis of Evil: it's on the doorstep of the multinationals and the government! We try to reflect the idea of a less urbanized life in our music without preaching.
How evil is Boards of Canada, you might wonder after seeing the occult artwork of Geogaddi (duration: 66 minutes and 6 seconds) and a track like "The Devil Is In The Details".


As evil as Mickey Mouse.
Many dance compilations classify Boards of Canada under the chill-out genre.

scoffs Marcus.

I don't even know what chill-out is.

So, does Boards of Canada make dance music? That's also debatable. In the NME, a comparison was made—with the duo's approval—to Lovess by My Bloody Valentine. Boards of Canada is just as inscrutable. Their music lacks the dynamics of the dance floor. The rhythm of nature suits them just fine. Ebb and flow. The sun and the moon. The blooming of a flower—and how the Fibonacci sequence reveals itself in the pattern of leaves on some flowers, plants, and fruits. Things like that. Try finding that with The Chemical Brothers! Dance music builds up to a climax, vertically, along the same rhythm. Boards of Canada composes horizontally, constantly changing tone and color, and once the melody is set, it disappears as quickly as it came—like a cloud briefly forming a recognizable shape, a snowflake melting in your hand. Boards of Canada's CDs are filled with short, elusive miniatures, little pieces of music that are over before you know it. They are the sounds to the images in their heads. Images of a volcanic eruption ("Gyroscope") or a documentary on energy conservation ("Energy Warning"), undoubtedly inspired by an old broadcast from the National Film Board of Canada. Or one of their own films, as they also make those as part of the collective Music 70.

Those short pieces,

writes Mike,

we make many more of those than our actual tracks, and they are actually our favorite pieces. If we wanted, we could release ten albums with these miniatures. On Geogaddi, only the tracks that fit the storyline were included. You need to listen to the album as a whole, like a soundtrack to a bizarre film or musical. The theme is confusion, darkness, a sort of Alice in Wonderland adventure. Music Has the Right to Children was an album for the outdoors, on a cold, clear day with a bright blue sky. Geogaddi is more like a nightmare full of evil spirits and dark forces, a claustrophobic trip that ends with "Corsair", the light at the end of the tunnel. For us, an album is nothing more than collecting the right tracks. We are already working on putting together our next album.

In my mind, it starts to snow gently.

Boards of Canada has no plans to perform at this time, but they are keeping all options open. The rumor that Warp will re-release their self-produced work is neither confirmed nor denied. For the full email interview, visit www.oor.nl.


  • Mike and Marcus are not yet regarded as brothers in this interview.
  • Mike: “We prefer not to publicize our music at all.”
  • Mike: “Our intention is to give people something familiar while simultaneously alienating them from the world they know.”
  • Marcus: “A part of us wants everything to be perfect, another part tries to destroy everything we've carefully built, but in a brilliant way.”
  • Mike: “Those short pieces, we make many more of those than our actual tracks, and they are actually our favorite pieces. If we wanted, we could release ten albums with these miniatures.”

External Links[edit]



  1. https://bocpages.org/wiki/Play_Twice_Before_Listening