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Live @ Warp10

Venue The Z Room, Old Truman Brewery, London, England
Date 5th November 1999
Organiser Warp Records
Availability Audience recording

Live @ Warp10 is a collection of songs recorded during the performance of Boards of Canada at Warp Records' 10th anniversary party on November 5, 1999. As with most of their live performances, unreleased material was played. This collection has not been formally released by Boards of Canada.


  1. "Zoetrope"1 – (5:11)
  2. "Happy Cycling" – (7:27)
  3. Unknown2 – (1:15)
  4. "Telephasic Workshop" – (7:03)
  5. "The Smallest Weird Number"1 – (1:06)
  6. "Aquarius" – (7:43)
  7. Unknown3 – (2:55)
  8. Unknown4 – (11:27)

1: Not yet released at date of performance
2: Unreleased as of current date; often mislabelled as "The Color of the Fire"
3: Unreleased as of current date
4: Unreleased as of current date, but you can find a 'reproduction' by Machinedrum on SoundCloud, which is very close to the live version.




A full bootleg recorded from the audience is widely available on SoulSeek and other P2P systems.

In June 2019, during Warp's 30th anniversary celebrations (WXAXRXP), Twitter user flimflamma came forward saying he was the creator of the bootleg.

flimflamma: Sorry about the muted sound quality, I was unemployed back then and could only afford a cheap dictation microphone with a maximum frequency response of about 15,000 Hz.[1]
flimflamma: Wait..I’d have been chucked out of the Warp 10th anniversary gig if they’d caught me recording BoC’s set, but now 20 years later my sneaky bootleg is being broadcast on NTS radio as part of the official 30th anniversary celebrations? I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.[2]
flimflamma: Heh! Wasn't me who gifted it to the internet, I was on a painfully slow dialup connection in those days. Burnt it to CD-R for some American friends and they spread it like wildfire.[3]
Do you know the girl who says 'your mum's living room' in a pause in Telephasic Workshop? Always cracks me up!
flimflamma: Nope, sorry. Nor did I know the person whose phone rang in time with the music or the lady to my left who blurted out "I feel that in my throat!" The friends I was with were aware I was mic'd up like a sweaty supergrass on a sting operation so they kept pretty quiet.[4]
What can you tell us about the show itself? Was there a visual element to the show? Did the boys work the crowd at all?
flimflamma: Standard BoC setup: wobbly super 8 footage projected on a screen behind them and a couple of small TV monitors. They stood pretty motionless throughout. Only time I ever saw Boards jump around on stage was when they opened for Seefeel at Blech in '97.[5]

36min version[edit]

Another audience recording slightly closer to the PA system was made available via P2P, however it is incomplete (starting in the middle of Happy Cycling) and of lesser quality.

2.5 track version[edit]

There was also apparently an incomplete 2.5 track version recording of lesser quality.[6]


Track 3[edit]

Although sometimes stated as "The Color of the Fire", this track is very similar to the song "A Moment of Clarity" off of The Campfire Headphase. There also appears to be a synth flourish in this track, used several times, which is also used in "Alpha And Omega" on Geogaddi, at 2:53.


External links[edit]


  1. Jump up https://twitter.com/flimflamma/status/1142442624919511041 (archive) (archive)
  2. Jump up https://twitter.com/flimflamma/status/1142440240944164866 (archive)
  3. Jump up https://twitter.com/flimflamma/status/1142448738516045824 (archive)
  4. Jump up https://twitter.com/flimflamma/status/1143089337657155584 (archive)
  5. Jump up https://twitter.com/flimflamma/status/1143087090529386497 (archive)
  6. Jump up http://web.archive.org/web/20010710021626/http://www.tapir.madvision.co.uk/231008/idmlive.htm
Discography Overview | viewedit
Rare/Early releases Catalog 3Acid MemoriesCloses Vol. 1Play by NumbersHooper BayBoc MaximaOld Tunes Vol. 1Old Tunes Vol. 2Random 35 Tracks TapeGeogaddi (test pressing)
General releases (albums) Music Has the Right to ChildrenGeogaddiThe Campfire HeadphaseTomorrow's Harvest
General releases (EPs/12"s) TwoismHi ScoresAquariusPeel SessionIn a Beautiful Place out in the CountryTrans Canada Highway
Mixtapes Marcus Eoin's Campfire MixtapeSocietas x Tape
Live Sets Live @ Warp10Live @ LighthouseLive @ ATPAll Gigs
Promotional Releases Telephasic WorkshopMHTRTC (promo cassette)Orange RomedaGeogaddi (promo lp)Geogaddi (promo cassette)------ / ------ / ------ / XXXXXX / ------ / ------Reach For The Dead (promo cd)Come To Dust (promo cd)
Produced by BoC for Others Here Come the Rubber Cops
Bootleg Releases Unreleased Tracks
Other KaleidoscopePromotional EventsPromotional ItemsT-Shirts
To Be Determined LP5BoCset