01:20, 8 March 2008
(diff | hist) . .(+992) . . N
Farewell Fire
(New page: {{Infobox Song| | name=Farewell Fire | runtime=8:26 | appearson=The Campfire Headphase}} == Comments == * Contrary to initial claims that this track was followed by a long period of ...)
00:50, 8 March 2008
(diff | hist) . .(+745) . . N
Constants Are Changing
(New page: {{Infobox Song| | name=Constants are Changing | runtime=1:42 | appearson=The Campfire Headphase}} http://cache.valleywag.com/assets/resources/Picture%2023-8.jpg<br> Pi, a mathematical...)
00:44, 8 March 2008
(diff | hist) . .(+364) . . N
Hey Saturday Sun
(New page: {{Infobox Song| | name=Hey Saturday Sun | runtime=4:56 | appearson=The Campfire Headphase}} == Comments == * The late, popular folk singer Nick Drake wrote a song titled "Saturday Sun...)